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Shit Deck

A poop deck that you actually poop on.

Do poop on the shit deck!

by Mr. Twinkieface December 22, 2020


The resulting sheen of feces on one's penis after anal sex.

"Wow. Look at the ass on that slut!"

"Ya, I wouldn't mind getting shit-glazed by her!"

by hooligan0068 February 13, 2010

Magnum Shit

A copiously large shit that completely fills the toilet bowl

Damn Daniel just took a magnum shit and broke the pipe

by HighIce June 21, 2021


When something does not go the way you wanted.

"Sorry man, you didn't get it"
"Ahhhh shit-cakes"

by Pete89 June 25, 2007

Shit for food

When your friend has food on their plate, but you cant tell the difference between shit and food.

Your friend has food on their plate.

It looks like real shit, so you ask them what it is.

They say its food.

You reply: "You have mistaken shit for food."

by cscherme March 7, 2009

Shit in a blanket

When you lay toilet paper down in a public toilet so when you shit you don't have dirty water splash on your balls.

Friend 1" OHH man I cant believe you took a dump in that dirty bathroom!"
Friend 2" It's ok, I took a Shit in a blanket"

by Thugnificentsupercock November 18, 2009

Schlong shitting

When a male has his dick partially erected, sits down, bends the dick under the asshole and shits on it in order to pleasure himself.

Mark: Dude, you should try schlong shitting one day. Wednesday I tried it and my tip was fizzing the whole time.
Arnold: Goddman you’re weird man

by Schlongass April 29, 2021