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Gay boy who’s shit at football and boxing and loves to beat up other gay boys called Euan hill after they fight they have a sword fight with their 0.5 inch penis’

Jay is gay

by steven matitat October 1, 2017


An insanely attractive man with the world’s most golden and freshest trim. His power knows no limits as he draws it from his 3k gaming setup and fresh trim

Yo jay is so rich

by Labra May 24, 2023


Someone who has no friends

Ur mom: you are such a Jay!!
Daughter: thanks, mother

by Mynameisno101 December 30, 2022


Jay is a really great friend and an even better lover. He is really affectionate and caring and if he manages to fall in love with you and you become a couple he will make sure you are happy and that you get all the love and affection you need. However it’s possible that you might fall for him before he falls for you. If you want to know if he likes you more than a friend just be yourself. You don’t want him to fall for someone fake because that would mean he doesn’t love you for who you are. You don’t have to be his lover for him to care about you though. Jays are can also be very lazy but when he isn’t sleeping he could make you laugh and smile while you hangout with him. He also hates being single so he can appear needy and desperate at times. He isn’t crazy emotional but he is a very affectionate person. However he is also very sexual and he loves hook ups and if you turn him on and you want to have sex with him you’ll be getting dick for hours. But if he can’t find someone to sleep with he will not hide the fact that he can satisfy himself with no help or assistance.

Person 1: omfg Jay is so HOT!!
Person 2: if you think he looks that hot right now wait until you get to hook up with him.
Person 1: wait how would you know that??
Person 2: I slept with him last night.
Person 1: OMG HOW BIG IS IT?!
Person 2: quite a few inches to keep you up all night.

by You Don’t Know Me Lol June 6, 2021


lanky faggot, no one likes jay

Hey whos jay

her:idk, i think hes gay, lanky, and has a small dick.

Me;i recon all of the above

hi im jay it. rymes with gay

Hy my names jay, nice to meat you


by ball sacky wacky March 2, 2020


Jay a person who is obsessed with polos would sell you to buy polos

Jay: I dont have enough money to buy polos
Person: I dont either
Jay: How much are u worth i can probably get quite a few

by IllusionaryLuster May 23, 2021


A dumb cunt who does not stop talking about the fact that he smokes, works and does cocaine with his own dad. He is usually a Manchester United fan that is bankrupt after buying a ridiculously pointless mini fridge. He gets angry and frustrated when you call him 'James' ever since he decided to call himself 'Jay'. He calls himself 'Jay' because 'everyone else does'.

Fuck off, Jay, you dickhead cunt

by jayrichardson1234 February 21, 2018