1. To play music on an instrument
2. To play live music with one or more musicians. ( i.e. band practice )
A drummer from another band called to see if I wanted jam with them to see if we were a good fit.
Do you guys want to get together and jam sometime?
1. To play music on an instrument
2. To play live music with one or more musicians. ( i.e. band practice )
A drummer from another band called to see if I wanted jam with them to see if we were a good fit.
Do you guys want to get together and jam sometime?
An abbreviation of the welsh word "jaman", this is an exclamation used when a person says something with a degree of certainty, which is immediately contradicted by the words or actions of either the same or some other person, or some other event.
Friend 1: I did not sleep with that ugly girl!
Ugly Girl: I had a great time last night, call me!
Friend 2: Jam for you!
Flatmate 1: I know there are no tickets left for that comedian next march!
Flatmate 2: Well I just bought 2 tickets for the the late show online, so jam for you!
Any friend named James who is acting like a fuck head. The frat boy name for James’.
Did you see James at the party? He was being a total Jams.
Jam a person who always say Joe mama, ssa and doin ur mom a person who is really toxic and the most loving person at the same time and is an artist that can draw anything even ur mom and is friends with a person named Mia, Jami thinks that Mia is a weirdo
Anything that you enjoy doing every time you do it. No matter your age or consequence time period.
When the customer tips over 25% that's my JAM.