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1. To play music on an instrument

2. To play live music with one or more musicians. ( i.e. band practice )

A drummer from another band called to see if I wanted jam with them to see if we were a good fit.
Do you guys want to get together and jam sometime?

by Lee Wrimmington December 6, 2022


1. To play music on an instrument

2. To play live music with one or more musicians. ( i.e. band practice )

A drummer from another band called to see if I wanted jam with them to see if we were a good fit.
Do you guys want to get together and jam sometime?

by Lee Wrimmington December 6, 2022


An abbreviation of the welsh word "jaman", this is an exclamation used when a person says something with a degree of certainty, which is immediately contradicted by the words or actions of either the same or some other person, or some other event.

Friend 1: I did not sleep with that ugly girl!

Ugly Girl: I had a great time last night, call me!

Friend 2: Jam for you!

Flatmate 1: I know there are no tickets left for that comedian next march!

Flatmate 2: Well I just bought 2 tickets for the the late show online, so jam for you!

by colingra February 12, 2009


Any friend named James who is acting like a fuck head. The frat boy name for James’.

Did you see James at the party? He was being a total Jams.

by UrbanDude57 June 20, 2020


Jam a person who always say Joe mama, ssa and doin ur mom a person who is really toxic and the most loving person at the same time and is an artist that can draw anything even ur mom and is friends with a person named Mia, Jami thinks that Mia is a weirdo

hey jami
joe mama

by Vanellope1237 March 30, 2022


Anything that you enjoy doing every time you do it. No matter your age or consequence time period.

When the customer tips over 25% that's my JAM.

by NoahAtlanta March 19, 2017


To Play a video game

"Ill jam later"

by Spac3bacon March 10, 2023