A fancy ass insult that means “An advanced bitch”, this word was originally discovered for the very first time by an Egyptian tiktoker called “Om Omar Alahtyte” and it went viral after that and started to be used among gen z.
Ayman: That gurl is a spiro bitch fr!
A fancy ass insult commonly used by gen Z. It was originally invented by a niche micro tiktoker in Egypt called “Om Omar Alahtyte” and then it started to go viral.
Rahma: wow, this sounds like a fancy ass insult!
The top woman & highest earner. Given the most trust and respect. She is looked at as the authority who has been given control to oversee the newer recruits. She has to prepare, train and provide for & encourage the other women as well as keeping them safe and in check.
Talk to Ashley if you have any questions or problems with this dude. You can trust her & bank talk to her she's my bottom bitch .
The Bitch in charge, CFO. You trust her with the company but you own the company. Do you know what I am saying?
Talk to the bottom bitch if you need a loan.