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George W. Bush

A war criminal, along with his accomplice, Tony Blair, who killed thousands of innocent children while sacrificing American soldier on a pointless war, based on the lie that Sudan Hussein had nuclear weapons. He also started a war in Afghanistan, thinking that he could succeed in winning, despite the soviet union being defeated only a decade earlier, however failed miserably when the U.S ran away from the Taliban like a bunch of cowards in 2021, which basically lead to Putin rolling the tanks into the Ukraine.

George W. Bush:
Person 1: What do you think of George W. Bush?
Person 2: He's a fucking war criminal, what did you expect me to say.

by Masterg1 November 15, 2023

George W. Bush

George W. Bush is my real father,
He did it with my mother and never called her again
please, Bush call my mom, our family needs you now more than ever, our home was taken away from us, my mom lost her job, we just really need your help right now please call me.

George W. Bush fucked my mother, but won't be a motherfucker if he calls me son.

by Norman W. Bush December 16, 2024

George W. Bush

A partially-literate Texan who somehow became President of the United States. He invaded a country for no reason and killed a million people. The economy of the United States collapsed under him. He was known for making frequent verbal gaffes.

Rarely is the question asked, is our children learning?” ~George W. Bush

by Frederick Yeo November 14, 2023

George W. Bush

George W. Bush, a president after his time, would lead the US into a war of retaliation against the Middle East. His policies, though not good in our time, was good in his. Bush led the US in a strong and fiery manner, and brought America back into the light of glory, after its brief light of shame and sadness on 9/11.

George W. Bush and his father, H. W. Bush, would prove influential figures in America's involvement within the world, most specifically, the Middle East.

by teggers162 September 15, 2024

Cayden W. Hall Hate Day

The day everyone hates Cayden William Hall. It’s celebrated on the 30th of February.

Hey Kyler ready to celebrate Cayden W. Hall hate day?
Sure am!

by geargefloyd December 27, 2024

Tobias John W

The first man in history to have sex with a million women at once

Omg is that Tobias John W? Heard he is the Abba of humanity

by Camoflauge4 December 9, 2019

W, X, Y, and Z

Also: WXYZ

The slowest part of the alphabet, comprising the last four letters.

Antonym: LMNOP

Q, R, S, T, U, V / W, X, Y, and Z
Now I know my ABCs / next time, won’t you sing with me?

by Yamato Yamamoto February 20, 2023