In short these are ear buds. Someone who listens to music with a passion may find themselves exclame about how much they love their "ear buddies". At first peole will call that person crazy,and freak out. They probably think that they are smuggling midget terrorists in their ears, and the "go" words are "i love my ear buddies". The thing about terrorists is not true.So don't go home and droppkick your grand mother, just kindly tell her of her mistake.
"Thanks for the i-pod (insert name here)i think its so great, and i just love my ear buddies"
"grandma please! what will the neighbors think?"
When you are with your buddy and have a threesome. You dont want your nuts to tuch his so your wrap your legs and nuts in suran wrap and he dose the same thing so when you both are in the girls holes your nuts dont tuch one anothers.
Yo bro lets smash that bitch together.
Ok but we have to buddy wrap first
Beef dip buddies are two or more individuals with male genitalia who have had intercourse with the same person.
Yo, we’re beef dip buddies!
Two distant friends who hung out in the bathroom to skip class soon became inseparable sisters. Their future adventures await
Slang term for the testes. AKA nuts
Jim woke up with Franks dangle buddies on his forehead.
A friend that is a supplement for companionship while away during a long work related period. This person has no intention of remaining friends upon returning home.
Reginald: "I'm so happy we are finally home from overseas. Do you want to go to the bar and hang out?"
Victor: "Listen, I can't feel the bromistry between us. I don't think you and I can be pals. You were only a deployment buddy."
Similar to fuck buddies, fax buddies usually commence near a fax, whether its a social or sexual activity.
-I'll go fax something, wait-
-don't, dave and daniel are at it at it again.
-those damn fax buddies. Such pervs.