When you make music with your homies while jerking off
Person A: I feel like making some rad music but also like beating tf out of my meet
Person B: then let's get the boys together and do a Jizz-Jam-Session
When a gay guy jizz's its called skittle jizz "Taste the Rainbow Bitch".
You wanna taste this Skittle Jizz come and get it.
The whole month is devoted to jizzing everywhere. pretty much the opposite of no nut November.
Every single girl fails jizzing January.
Your special girl, no matter if you’re in an open relationship or like to occasionally sleep with someone else. You always come back to your special girl for the best sex and like to cum in her.
No one could replace you! You’re my Jizz bunny!
A girls who gets cum on her inner-thigh/feet and rubs her legs/feet together like a cricket
You know Izzy? She’s such a jizz cricket
the defintion of "to jizz in the shizz" is a phrase which means to have anal sex. Sex in the anal hole or in the booty
To jizz in the shizz you must have anal sex.
Example: Oh man! Karen was so hot yesterday, i jizzed i her shizz, right before she took the kids. It was so great.
Example: Man, i want to jizz in her shizz so bad.
What you call #85 on the Bears because he can’t catch a football
#85 doesn’t know y how to hold onto the ball. He’s got jizz hands.