My crush 🥰🥰🥰 jkjkjk, he's a guy in California who I honestly, thinking about it, don't know much about. I just know he lives somewhere in California and he has a dog also that his initials are pp. He's a very rude guy who dry texts and he also leaves u on read all the time. Also I don't think I should trust him because my parent taught me to not trust strangers off the internet. As far as I know he might be an old man. Hopefully in real life tho he's a very nice old man.
Chip wants to rule the TRISTATE AREA
To describe someone who you view as horrendously ugly.
Person 1: “Yo, what you think of this
Person 2: “She’s chips!”
The best fucking thing in the world that makes you fat.
Hey those chips are making you gain a bit of weight.
Chip is a person who tries too hard to impress someone, yet miserably fails.
Stop talking like that! You're such a Chip.
Here she comes with that voice again. What a Chip.
Chips is when ur calling someone ugly
“ bro look at that girl she’s chips😂”