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National Nancy Day

Falls on February 5. This holiday was established in 1996 after Nancy was born. Honors everyone named Nancy. It is a day to get lit and give presents.

National Nancy Day is going to be lit!

by nationalholidays January 29, 2019

National Psychogenik Month

National Psychogenik Month is observed during September. The purpose of it is to celebrate Psychogenik and her birthday.

Vegans get an entire month, so Psychogenik decided that she can too. She chose the month of Semptember to represent National Psychogenik Month.

by nmcnl September 1, 2023

national caoimhe day

March 1st; a day dedicated to Caoimhe! When you have an Irish name, it’s uncommon to see it anywhere, so this day is all yours. Enjoy it!

Wow, it’s national caoimhe day today!

by crayola February 3, 2022

national piercing day

May 16th. Go show off your piercings!! Post them everywhere, even the “inappropriate” ones ;)

“Why are you posting all of your piercings on your story?”

“It’s national piercing day dumbass”

by Nippiercinggirl May 16, 2021

National Epicasino Day

1st of January. A day to appreciate the amazing Epicasino :)

Person 1: It's the 1st of January, you know what that means?

by Maria Thomas December 23, 2020

national tonito day

on april 17th it’s national tonito day in honor of my friend tonito

person 1: Hey did you know it’s national tonito day?

person 2: what’s that??

person 1: it’s a day celebrated for my friend tonito

by notclaudia April 17, 2021

National Cow Day

A day to appreciate cows of all kinds ❤️🐄

Hey did you know it's national cow day???

by CowsRUs February 20, 2020