A person who is an expert and much knowledgable of the Asian continent.
Mr. Thompson knows everything about Asia´s infrastructure; he is partly an Asian expert.
you do a little destruction of electronics then terrorise a bunch thats just what a asian does.
caused by amphetamines.
dont go over there their doind the asian twitch.
A unit of time used to measure the duration of a break when the true figure is unknown.
Person 1 - I'm going to go grab some of mama's home cooked lamb!
Person 2 - You know when your back?
Person 1 - Asian half hour...
Asian girl with a nice butt
Mygodman did you see that Asian girls butt, she’s a real Asian Unicorn
When you ask your chinky friends a question and they take 30 seconds to ackowledge it and then form a reply.
"Holy shit Daniel your mom fell down the stairs" Daniel Wu:........, "Bro holy shit Daniel has asian delay"
When you spend 8-9 years at one school but when high school comes up you move away
oi cunt u wanna do some asian prostuation
oi oi oi ofc my lad