The hip new phrase all the young people use to exclaim disappointment or anger.
This phrase is especially popular when reacting to an unfortunate situtation regardless of its cause. After all, it is, in all liklihood, George W. Bush's fault.
Coach: Sorry Mike, you've been cut from the team.
Mike: Fuck George Bush!
Guidance Counselor: Sorry Mike, you will be held back for a second round of 11th grade.
Mike: Fuck George Bush!
After missing the first 8 minutes of the new South Park episode
Mike: Fuck George Bush!
After realizing he made a retarded mistake on his Calc I Final Exam
Mike: Fuck George Bush!
After being bitten by a Komodo dragon and left to die of disease and infection in a strange Indonesian jungle
Mike: Fuck George Bush!
After being forced to watch Sparticus for the fifth time over because his Latin teacher is a fat lazy man whore
Mike: Fuck George Bush!
After realizing that buying the #2 combo would actually have been cheaper than trying to save money and not ordering a drink
Mike: Fuck George Bush!
After his mom packed another useless fruit that he won't eat in his lunch
Mike: Fuck George Bush!
After spending 3 hours reading about strange and unusual sexual positions on Wikipedia, and debating the ethics of wanking to a the free encycolpedia, and forgetting to pick his brother up from school
Mike: Fuck George Bush!
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November. He died on November 29, 2001.
I post a different George Harrison song on Facebook everyday in November, to remember him on George Harrison Month.
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A person who fails in life, uses "daddy" to stick up for his problems, a corrupted son of a bitch who should be put to death, and an insane asshole. Was an alcoholic and a drug addict, and thinks the "patriotic" way is killing the innocent citizens of the Middle East. By the way to all the Fucked Up republicans: IF WE ARE DOING SUCH A GOOD JOB WITH COUNTER-TERRORISM, WHERE'S OSAMA BIN LADEN! I mean, we have had 5 years to find him, right? Refers to the United States Constituition as a "Goddamn piece of paper", and believes dictatorship would help him rule better. Has used tax breaks for the EXTREMELY WEALTHY, and has put the country in a multi-trillion dollar debt. Used money to get into an Ivy League school, and hates abortion and evolution because it is against god's will. Should be considered armed & dangerous, and is wanted for violation to American & International Protocols, the corruption of the Constitution, the mass genocide of over 50,000 people in the Middle East, integration of Church & State, and bribery and espionage in both the 2000 & 2004 elections.
PS: Some people say if Bush is hated so much, why is he in the White House right now. Well, it is because of the retarted hicks and assholes in the country who are Religious retards and believe religion is the way and science will make us "evil sinners". Go back to school, fuckups.
Today, George W. Bush said that he would put million dollar tax cuts on sports players and CEO's, go overseas to help out with European Poverty, but we still have millions here in America starving and homeless.
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Dodging more than one object (almost like you are dodging two shoes) and not getting hurt.
Rick, Joe, and Bob were playing dodge ball and the other team only had one player left, Steve, who they had been trying to hit out for about 10 minutes but Steve had extreme George Bush Dodging skills and would not get hit out.
Bob: Omg! George Bush Dodge :|
Joe: I KNOW! Steve has the dodging skills of George Bush!!
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A crap school in a crap city.
Vanier is reputed to be full of druggies. This is true.
At lunch (and occasionally after school) there's a big group of pot-heads hanging out by the trash cans at the back of my house.
Georges P. Vanier is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
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The laughing stock of anyone with an IQ of more than 90..
"For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it." -George W. Bush-Philadelphia, Penn., May 14, 2001
Reporter: "uh...."
"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream." - George W. Bush -LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000
America: "why did we elect this guy?"
314๐ 81๐
George w. bush is a neo-nazi, idiot, babyface, retard. Everyone who voted for him was a total brainwashed retard and anyone who thinks he is a good president is simply a fucking idiot. he was a close friend of the taleban and the bin laden family. some people think he was behind 9/11 but he's way too stupid for that. there were never any weapons of mass destruction in iraq he made it up so he could get more oil for america. were the hell would the iraqi people get a nuclear missile? their not smart enough to make it themselves and they couldn't afford to by a stolen one from the russian mafia. george bush just wants to be hitler and he thinks that if he kills a couple of unarmed muslim children he'll be just like him.
george w. bush is a retard
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