Short gingers are often bullied and are seen as less worthy people while they are actually the higher intelligent hair color, but those who are not ginger cannot realize the facts.
i would even recommend staying away from short gingers because they could easly f"ck you up and your friends.
And some scientist have even newly discoverd that short ginger can have superhuman streangth!
-You see that short ginger
- yeah?
-I could easly outsmart and beat him up
-oh no bro do not do that i have heard they have superhuman streangth!
on july 18th have a convo on a ginger persons comment section on tiktok
“ its Ginger appreciation day”
“ruby jones is soo ginger😍😍”
“i know right ill be damed!”
A name only used in whispers to describe the spawn of Satan
Child with Down syndrome: bruh man ting where’s lau-
Mega mind: shhhhh dong say the ginger ones name
A name used only in whispers to describe the spawn of Satan
Small child with Down syndrome: hey where Laur-
Mega mind: shhh don’t say the ginger ones name
A fat ginger that goes on rants about dumb stuff usually named Landon
Landon is such a dumb fat ginger he makes no sense sometimes
October 19 is NATIONAL Spit on a ginger day:
More like a birthday for them this is the species FAVOURITE HOLIDAY. So when you see a random ginger, or your friends (even though i dont undestand why u would be friends with the creatures) just spit on them or in their mouths :)
Hey it’s national spit on a ginger day
Huuuackkk puuu
*ginger running away with bruises and spit dripping down their face*