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Valley High School

A public school located in the North Valley of Albuqueruqe, New Mexico. Even though it is one of the only public schools in the city with an english name, the hispanic student population is the largest of APS schools. Contrary to general belief, Valley isn't as ghetto as many people in the Albuquerque area think. Yeah there are douchebags, sluts, the occasional wannabe gangsters but it's really just a typical high school, even though the administration might be the worst in the city. The Valley students have huge school spirit, even though the football team kinda sucks and most students don't know what they want to do after graduation, other than go to CNM. Partying and smoking weed are common activities a lot of students partake in. Fitting in is not hard at all. Most people there are friendly towards each other.

Jim: "Hey Tim, what school do you go to?"
Tim: "I go to Valley High School."
Jim: "Oh, that sucks man."
Tim: "Why do you say that?"
Jim: "I dunno....just cuz."

by Ilovebread2 March 15, 2011

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mulberry high school

Where every female gets pregnant, wanna be gangsters and dope dealers and they smoke crack. Where students sleep with their teachers in class.

Look at Jessica this is her second kid already at Mulberry High school

by JenniJen December 12, 2019

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merivale high school

merivale High school a place where itโ€™s all full of white kids putting up gang signs

I went to merivale high school and I got jumped for putting up gang signs

by Woahhhhhhhhhh๐Ÿณ October 23, 2019

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Barbe high-school

A group of pathetic people who are boring and try-hards. They strive for destruction and drama because they have nothing better to do. All girls are thots or losers. All guys try to be players or gangsters.

Hey you see that wanna-be-gangster over there?
Nah bro that's just a barbe high-school student

Omg a senior wants to date me!
Shut up Victoria, you're a sophomore at barbe high-school

by Ghngmasof,!? August 28, 2021

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Mainland High School

Mainland High School is a synonym for a living hell. Notably the most ghetto high school in Volusia County, Mainland High School is known for fights, hot cheeto girls in every corner, and drugs on campus. There is a 99.9% chance that you will be threatened to be beaten up by someone for no valid reason at least once while you attend this school, if that doesnโ€™t happen to you, then there is a 99.9% chance you will be emotionally damaged far before you leave Mainland. The majority of people at Mainland High School are not even passing their classes. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that we thought there was a shooter on campus once because a few people let off fireworks. This school has a bad reputation for many reasons, and if youโ€™re zoned for this school I highly recommend going on a variance for a different school.

โ€œWhat high school are you going to?โ€
โ€œMainland High School, what about you?โ€
โ€œOh.. Iโ€™m going to Seabreeze. I heard Mainlandโ€™s a really bad school.โ€

by bucpridewasneverevenathing March 20, 2020

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Starpoint High-school

Starpoint High school is a school in southern Niagara County. It is basically all the left over shit from other school districts such as Lockport North Tonawanda and Niagara-Wheatfield. It is full of wannabe thugs, hicks know as deer gang, and white spoiled brats from the surrounding deveploments. Administration and teachers, pretends to care and help the students, but they don't care. It takes 20 mins to pull into the school because of the morons that cant drive. Also the school has sport teams that are a constant disappointment. The halls are harassed by a crazy English Teacher, who sprints and sings through the halls. The most famous person from Starpoint is the Oklahoma city bomber named Timothy McVeigh. Going to the bathroom students need a teacher so we don't vape. Starpoint is just like the Gilded age new and shiny on the outside but on inside its a shit hole full of assholes and dougebags}.

Dude do you go to Starpoint High-school?

No thank god that place is a shithole.

by BET_ME January 17, 2020

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City High School

Also known as โ€œThe school that weedsโ€. City high school is known for its pot heads, most of which also indulge in other teeneager activies such as vaping and going to mediocre parties. The students at city high like to participate in many forms of protest as the school is located in the center of Iowa City. The most liberal town in America!

โ€œWe should visit city high school!โ€
โ€œI canโ€™t, Iโ€™m a republican.โ€

by Ssstttuuudddeeennnttt December 14, 2018

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