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West Baltimore Hot Pocket

When one puts their testicles in a hot flat iron and clamps down.

"This guy owed me a sizable about of money so my boys and i went and gave him a West Baltimore hot pocket"

by PuddingArms March 5, 2018

16đź‘Ť 2đź‘Ž

West Side Santa Cruz

West Side Santa Cruz is is the best side of Santa Cruz. Bloops get snapped like nothing, cars get hot boxed on Westcliff, drunk teenagers going into taco bell. Theres no white power shit like there is on ESSC. In Light house field kids are always smoking bud and getting drunk and theres the legendary Derby park.

Are you on ESSC tonight? Fuck that im on the West Side Santa Cruz where i should be!

by GanjaG0d June 30, 2011

21đź‘Ť 3đź‘Ž

West Coast hiphop

Means the group came from the west side of Long Island, ie Brooklyn.

The term can be extended to mean Philly as west coast, NYC as east coast.

Often the term is incorrectly used to describe music from California. This is wrong because that music can scarcely be called hiphop.

Dude: Beastie Boys are west coast hiphop

Man: No they're not, they're from New York!

Dude: They're from Brooklyn, and that's as far west as you want to go.

by TreeWeezel April 27, 2011

5đź‘Ť 20đź‘Ž

west islip high school

A super white school located in long island new york. School consists mostly of fuck boys, thots, walking vineyard vine advertisements, trump supporters and cockroaches. The school is the ugliest thing you can see on long island, and has leaky ceilings when there is a slight drizzle. At this school if you don’t juul who are you??This school also starts way too early and tends to drive people to insanity

west islip high school is a dump

by lilpxmp March 2, 2018

62đź‘Ť 10đź‘Ž

West Ranch High School

The richest school in the Santa Clarita Valley. The whites and asians dominate upstairs while the mexicans and blacks dominate downstairs. Some teachers are cool, some are assholes. After the chaos that the 2008-2009 school year induced, the school turned fascist and strict rules and regulations ensued.

If you're looking for drugs, go to Valencia.

"Hey dude, throw this bottle cap."
"Fuck that, I don't wanna get 4 Saturday schools and a 2 week suspension."


"What school do you go to?"
"West Ranch High School."
"I'm sorry."
"Me too."

by Yours_Truly_ March 19, 2012

57đź‘Ť 9đź‘Ž

West Vancouver Secondary School

The most diverse White school you will ever see.
Most attending used to be foreign at one point in their lives but succumbed to the white clichés such as obsessive facebook use and creation of drama at one wrong glance at the wrong person.
Those who delude themselves into believing haven't turned "white-wash", although they express these actions daily, spend large amounts of effort sticking to one group and ignoring all others such as the Korean, Chinese, German, Persian and so on groups.
West Vancouver Secondary "gangsters" consist of mainly individuals who think they’re tough, pretend they're street and act like they work selling drugs everyday and they've seen things that would scar you for life.
Right. We’re all aware your daddy bought you those “gangsta clothes” and your "badass" drug trade originated from the British Properties. I’ve seen worse than that on my way to the bus stop.

Student classes are set into two different divisions. The Regular students, and the IB students.

The difference between regular students and IB students, is if in IB, everyone in regular assumes your freaking brilliant.
Even in the early stages of grade 10 when IB isn’t even that much harder than regular, your report card score might as well go up 30%.
“He got a 60% average? Oh but he’s in IB so it must be like a 90 in regular.”
Not that the IB students are rushing to correct them.
But unlike the common high school drama, no group is really considered to be “popular” but instead labelled –rightly- as preps. Because everyone else, doesn’t really have a drive to be a prep. They have something that separates them from that. Ambition.

Not that it matters especially, because it’s not what you know, it’s what you inherit.

"If you're going to West Vancouver Secondary School, you better be loaded. Or at least act like it."

by Dammit Earth January 8, 2009

89đź‘Ť 16đź‘Ž

west clermont middle school

West Clermont Middle school is the biggest middle school in the district but all of our 7th grade dances and field trips are cancelled. skanks, hoes, and f-boys roam the halls of this school. rumors and secrets are spread and nudes are leaked. kids run from the cops, send nudes, leak nudes, loose their virginity, and more. there's vaping and smoking issues, drinking alchohol and more. in all, west learning middle school is a shoebox. thank you for your time.

person 1: "you know what west clermont middle school is right?"
person 2: " yeah my little sister goes there and she's turning into a thot."

by Chaotic Nuetral December 8, 2019

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