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Utah Valley University

Utah Valley University (UVU) is an affordable and inclusive university in Utah County. The grass is always greener at UVU and offers incredible access to the best of Utah’s outdoors.

Have you seen Utah Valley University’s president at sporting events? She’s always on the sideline jumping up and down, shaking her pompoms, and cheering on the athletes by name.

I wanted to study at an inclusive and affordable university, so I came to UVU.

by UVUsuperfan November 24, 2021

5👍 1👎

University High School

University high School located in Carmel, Indiana is a college-prep school* run by nerds for nerds.

(tyranny* cough cough)

Nerd 1: hey dude did you hear that University High School had a cosplay class?
Need 2: Yeah, I heard one kid made a dark soul’s costume with an actual sword he welded.
Normal Person: what? Is it a costume or cosplay?
Nerds: *beating the ever loving shit out of the normal dude*

by Alternatively September 22, 2018

University of Central Florida

Good luck finding parking

Is that an empty parking spot at the University of Central Florida? Impossible

by memer211 December 15, 2020

University of New Brunswick

The University of New Brunswick (UNB) is a public university with two primary campuses in Fredericton and Saint John, New Brunswick. Famous students include the whole cast of the hit NBC show Friends (very funny might I add). UNB is most known for their ability to be severely overpriced and yet equally underwhelming.

What can you expect from a University filled with people from New Brunswick though. Number 1 employer for UNB grads is the governments unemployment benefits. Which employs 72% of New Brunswick's population.

employer: Where did you get your education?
me: The University of New Brunswick
employer: I would've preferred if you had only gone to high school

by penisadult November 17, 2021

The universal scoring system.

A system that scores individuals based on "attractiveness" That can range from 1-20. The system is in place so people can rate their overall chance of success of "getting with" someone near the same score.
Can be used in Most scenarios and has a success rate of 80%.

The universal scoring system.
Example: A male rated with a attractiveness of 7 will be successful with a female around 6,7 or 8. The universal scoring system has exceptions to the rule which include:

Location (Billy is trying to find a hot girl in his area, but alas their are no hot girls. Billy who has a US of 15 will have to settle with a 8.)

Money ( Candy has a US of 19. Dave has a US of 7, but Dave is rich. Therefore Candy settles with Dave)

Self esteem ( Sarah rates herself at a 12 even though her US score is 16. Therefore males around 11,12 or 13 have a chance with Sarah.)

Other exceptions can be found, but overall the Universal scoring system is incredibly accurate.

by OnceInMexico September 18, 2013

Indiana Wesleyan University

Trash. Actual trash.

Justin: Where do you go to school?
Ashley: Indiana Wesleyan University.

Justin: Oh that’s trash. Actual trash.

by Goshentennis March 10, 2019

1👍 1👎

Universal Problem Solver

A slap on the ass.

Josh: She looked sad, so I caught up with her and gave her a universal problem solver.

by Entr' Acte December 18, 2009