Me and my coworker went to buy donuts, when that happened there was a shootout between two cops, as it ended it turned out that one of the Sherriff officers had blood on the badge they own.
An expression used by Bloods to mean "for real"? indicating that the person believes in a fact so much he is willing to "put it on" his gang.
Tyrone: I fucked dat ho Shaniqua last night, bluh
Tybone: On Bloods?
Tykrone: Daaaamn!
Its like a tsunami of fat that receeds allowing your dick to look bigger cause you have lost weight
Now that im skinny, I have better blood-to-dick ratio.
A person who laughs at almost everything
“Taylor is so light blooded, she laughs at everything”
An adjective to describe any person, place, thing, situation, event, etc. that makes your, "blood boil."
After months of excitement and patience, the Joker sequel was blood boilingly terrible.
My first shift at my new job made me realize working the register is blood boilingly tedious.
To be of wealthy or upper middle class descent
Hey dude, I went to Brody's mansion, it was cool, too bad he's stuck up and yacht blooded