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Communist Nazi

The fusion of the communist and nazi adopted by the far-left

All socialists are communist nazis

by TheAnalBeadUser August 1, 2024


#1 upcoming discord packing clan owned by gunner and renamed by hellhound

Yo! Have you heard of the new packing clan called NAZI HOUNDS #NH? I hear they funny as hell

by theofficialhellhound November 20, 2023


an far right republican party of thy LAUSD, claims its okay to be diagnosed with an psychiatric illness.

Ms.Nomeriano is an ANTI NEO NAZI.

by On thee trend January 11, 2020

Fucking Nazi

An american that hates and is agaist gun rights, going out of their way to protest against them and treating gun owners like adolf hitler himself

Man : An old lady got mad at me for having a gun holstered on my belt
Postal Dude: Fucking Nazi

by ayakasan99 August 29, 2022

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Pocket Nazi

One who rigorously (and possibly violently) checks pockets before washing clothing. Especially that of Jews.

Steve is such a Pocket Nazi every fuckin' wash day! I told him they were empty, but he insisted.

by ThRob69 April 3, 2013

Nazi Scum

anyone who acts at a government or police informant.

Nazi scum sticking their noses in Zion I bizness.

by NobodyCaresIamNobodyICare November 28, 2023