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deep star six

deep star six references the simple yet euphoric experience in which a mans erect penis is pushed into a woman’s vagina and upon entering, the partners agree that the sensation is just too god to have a conscious and foreseeable conclusion. As such, both agree to get comfy and just go to sleep. Intercourse, without moving while fast asleep is a " deep star six"

my boyfriend has a really spirited penis, everytime we have sex i cant imagine it ending so we often just snuggle and do a deep star six for a while." " its like a cat nap but better!

by dorje 1972 December 15, 2010

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Star Fox Assault

Star Fox Assault was the second Star Fox game released for the nintendo gamecube (the first one was the craptastic Star Fox Adventures)and has many a follower. It features the oh so popular Fox McColud, Falco Lombari, Slippy Toad and Krystal..... whatever as playable characters for multi-player from the the start of the game and tons of bounuses that are unlockable through out the game.In conclusion it features the capability in story mode and multi-player to do missions on foot, in the landmaster (tank, or in an Arwing.
Finally, as and added bonus, Peppy with, in fact, say "Do a barrel roll".

w00t!!!11!!1 Star Fox Assault was the best game of all time fo' shizzle!!1!11

by Steve McCole February 1, 2005

28πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Star Control II

The most leet game ever. It is now open source. Has the chmmr in it. And the Zoq-Fot-Pik. And the Shofixti. And Frungy.

When playing Star Control II, one curses at Ur-Quan.

by Critta C December 14, 2007

26πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Western star truck

Toughest truck ever built

Man, that western star truck just made it acros the mud pile. The kenworth is stuck down to the diff.

by emile93 April 28, 2011

43πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

star wars galaxies

1. An impressively in-depth MMORPG in which one can endeavor to play as one of many mundane professions, such as Tailor and Cook and Architect. Players can also, of course, play as fighting characters and kill anything they encounter.
2. A waste of time.

Dude, I just got this new game, Star Wars Galaxies!
Woah. I haven't gone outside for a month, and my goldfish died.

by Andy September 15, 2003

60πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

The fault in our stars

This is a book by john green that will mentally pain you if you read it be prepared to watch this movie or read the book and be in a puddle of tears

"oh my god man I just read The Fault in Our Stars and I cant stop crying"

by Bitchshutup June 7, 2014

160πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž

The Fault In Our Stars

The Fault In Our Stars (TFIOS) is a book about two cancer patients. They fall in love,but it's not your average love story. This will make you cry. The movie is nearly as good as the book. I advise you to read the book first. You will fall in love with the characters, literature, and the philosophical standpoint of this book. This book has taught me a lot. It's given me a new view point on cancer and what they have to go through. I highly recommend this book for all ages 12 and up. Have your tissues, ice cream, and Adele songs ready.

I went to see the The Fault In Our Stars in the movie theater and cried my eyes out. I was fangirling so hard asdfghjkl!!!!

by Frik frak June 10, 2014

88πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž