Best boyfriend ever. But a fucking bottom. Even if he denies so he is one.
Ethan: Shut up I’m not a bottom.
Liar. Shame on you. Liar.
I tall white guy that likes rugby and can be over powering. Ethan is a very funny person and you either like him (which most people seem to do) or hate him. Ethan tends to be that one white person with plenty of friends from different races. Ethan can be a bit toxic and hurt people without intending to. He would never fall for a girl who wasn’t of his race. Ethan also makes some jokes that others may find funny, but people don’t get angry because it is deep down funny. You must remember to stay on his good side if you are not his close friend. Ethan also is a focused person who can say what’s on his mind and offend people, he can cause pain and down size it because of his own physical strength. He can be described as not giving a fuck, he can be a bit obnoxious, but he is persistent. So if you see an Ethan around watch out because there’s a new bid bad wolf in the mother fucking town (oh and watch out he actually might fuck your mother.)
“I am versing Ethan’s rugby team tomorrow.” Said Sammy.
“Oh your fucked!” Laughed Millie.
Falls asleep in English and Geometry
Usually his best friend in those classes make fun of him for it
They both enjoy Oragami
Cathy “There Ethan is he’s sleeping again”
Callie “I was going to oragami with him”
Ethan is a dark horse. He will draw you in with his cheeky chat up lines and fake promises only to leave you crying almost needing sectioning. Ethan loves ket, don’t be an Ethan
If you know an Ethan you know how truly caring he is. He’s kind and charismatic but in the best way possible. He can beat down on himself sometimes however. Even though we all love and care for him. He’s stubborn to the point that it’ll drive you crazy if you have a short temper. Words to describe an Ethan: caring, sweet, smart, artistic, kind, mindful, patient, and loving. He’s a huge nerd but in the cutest way possible. He’ll always comfort you when you need it. Everyone needs a Ethan in their lives.
Person A: Wow I’ve heard Ethan is amazing. Do you know him?
Person B: Of course I do. Who doesn’t? He’s the nicest and cutest guy ever.
Person A:*thinks* welp
A Very Gay man who Loves big Fat Cock
That Ethan Bloke Tried to Touch my Dick the other day the Gay Motherfucker
Ethan is an idiot who ruins himself and the others around him. He should suck a fat cock and die, because he doesn't deserve to be happy.
Oh wow look at Ethan. What a cunt that won't get anywhere in life.