Responsible but not mentally active.
Person one "Hey, have you seen Coh-hen Lee Asian Detective."
Person two "Yea is he the one that is responsible but not mentally active?"
Successfully weaving or navigating through individual or groups of Asians who are not attentive to surroundings, personal spaces, or the speed limit. Alt: the act of driving in California.
I ended up playing Asian Pinball again this morning on the way to work when the first 3 cars I passed going under the speed limit on the 101 were being driven by Asians.
when youre running around the mall and shitting everywhere but cant control the stream that is coming out of dat booty. but then it stops and you get abducted by chinese dragons. and then the dragons buy you stomach juice at walmart.
guy1 - what did you do last night?
guy2 - i was just boolin like a straight white asian alien walmart employee
No need for mommy to remind you work hard and keep up when you have been on the A.G.
Step 1: No Phone
Step 2: Get yo math toolbox and study 24 7
Step 3: Only free time you get is on bedtime
Step 4: If you aint get no A's on math you doin it wrong
Mimi do not disturb, busy doing cacoolashons. On ze Asian Grind , no disrakshon mimi
A term used to describe a sale at the local petstore
"Hey phil, why are there so many asians outside the store?"
"Oh because of our sales its asian friday"
"That explains alot"
An Asian bath means an excruciatingly and sexually long bath in the shower.
Why is he taking so long in the bathroom?
He's having an Asian bath in there.
Once reffered to as E, Sam has now become Asian Sam. Mr. Samuel Eibes has picked up a new girlfriend Asian Nath who has converted him into an Asian. It is good to see Sam grow new relationships but unfortunately he is Asian. Asian Sam has begun a new chapter in his life as an Asain with his girlfriend Asian Nath.