Source Code

Rules 1-36

Rules 1-36 should be the only excepted rules of the internet, as rules 37+ start to devolve into mindless, unfunny, repeated, and contradictory bullshit.

Lol rule 37 am i rite?
No, only Rules 1-36 are 'rite' yah wee cunt

by HipstaSquirrel November 1, 2016

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

GNR Track 1

When a women, preferably your mom or teachers snatch is so hairy, untaimed, and untrimmed its like the only way to describe it is refering to the first track on a Guns And Roses CD. " WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE "....

I bet shes got the GNR Track 1 goin' on; Welcome To The Jungle Baby!!!!

by Jesus The Hey Zeus January 8, 2007

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1. The police radio code for a dangerous driver. Generally a dangerous/drunk driver, or a speeder.

2. The portable version of Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Exclusively on the PSP, you can also take out the tuners as the cop in 'Tuner Take-down' mode. Fun, but over time you may get over it.

1. >>Yo, dawg, I just beat Need For Speed 5-1-0!
>>Nigga please!

2. Attention all units. We have a 5-1-0 headed northbound on I-64. Suspect is driving a Black Mercedes CLK. Engaging pursuit, over.

by NapalmJoe June 29, 2006

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August 1

August 1st was when the most bitchiest girls are born, if you know anyone born on August 1st cut them out of your life immediately.

Girl 1: Did you know your bestie was born on August 1st?!

by Kayla Laws July 30, 2021

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December 1

December 1st is Sapnap appreciation day!! Everyone tell Sapnap how much we love him!! He deserves it!

Person 1: It’s December 1st!!
Person 2: Let’s go tell Sapnap how much we love him!

by katkit27 November 29, 2020

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October 1-31

A month where you do absolutely nothing besides your normal monthly routine.

Ryan: Hey Kim you know what month it is right??
Kim: Spooky seazon!!!
Ryan: No it’s slap ass month..
Kim: I hate you..
Ryan: It’s October 1-31 slap ass month

by Lxghtenup October 14, 2019

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2 for 1 deal

When you got the girl or guy you wanted but you also got their sibling or friend as well.

Floyd: So I've got Michelle, but I've also got her sister Natalia as well.
Tony: That's an awesome 2 for 1 deal, bro.

by berserker blabbermouth June 14, 2017

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