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smelly pirate hooker dandlebug

Good and Bad depends on who you are talking to. Means Bitch or baby.

BAD:Dont look at my butt, your sucha smelly pirate hooker dandlebug!

GOOD:You shouldnt hav given me this your so nice that your a smelly pirate hooker dandlebug!

by garrett198 February 10, 2007

3👍 6👎

One eyed angry pirate

A one eyed angry pirate is where your fuckin some bitch and you spit on her back to make her think your about to but. So she turns around and you but in her eye when she goes to swallow your jizz. Then when she gets up and yells at you, you kick her shin and BOOM. One eyed angry pirate

Can I give you a one eyed angry pirate?

by MarzyLOL February 25, 2019

11👍 46👎

Pirate Speak 🏴 ☠️

A fing dat we pirates speak ‘n’ we feed ye to the crocs ‘n’ find me a seagrass plain while we’re stranded on a ship lookin’ for treasure buried on the sand ‘n’ ya yeet we be talkin’ to our parrots, makin’ sushi ‘n’ bein’ a water rat, me hearteys. Me heart so small ‘cause I a pirate! Ma, ha, ha. Ye shark, yer easy I’ll batter ye! Sail away with our scurvy mateys and arrgh I’ll be a sea monkey’s uncle when I say ‘r’ is our second favourite letter but ‘c’ is first because we always be near the sea. Her beauty awaits stealin’ oil tankers and findin’ golden doubloons in chests ‘n’ fishin’ for new boots and no education arrgh

Redneck: “Oy ol’ mate ‘er says do pirate speak!”
City dude: “Yeah!”
both chanting pirate speak
Pirate: “No way Jose! Okay, A fing dat we pirates speak ‘n’ we feed ye to the crocs ‘n’ find me a seagrass plain while we’re stranded on a ship lookin’ for treasure buried on the sand ‘n’ ya yeet we be talkin’ to our parrots, makin’ sushi ‘n’ bein’ a water rat, me hearteys. Me heart so small ‘cause I a pirate! Ma, ha, ha. Ye shark, yer easy I’ll batter ye! Sail away with our scurvy mateys and arrgh I’ll be a sea monkey’s uncle when I say ‘r’ is our second favourite letter but ‘c’ is first because we always be near the sea. Her beauty awaits stealin’ oil tankers and findin’ golden doubloons in chests ‘n’ fishin’ for new boots and no education arrgh!”
All: “Pirate speak 🏴 ☠️ is real!”

by TheRealMinecrafter April 2, 2020

4👍 4👎

one legged angry pirate

When youa are having sex and you spit on her back, so she rolls over. Then you cum in her eye and then kick her in the shin so she will be chasing you like a one legged angry pirate

Cum in me mac daddy,” She says.?Then he proceeds to use the one legged angry pirate

by abc-0032 December 26, 2017

2👍 4👎

War Chinchilla Pirate Child Amigo

A scooter-riding, fireball shooting chinchilla with a spanish pirate baby and a turret attached to his head.

As seen in rathergood.com's 'Tales of the Blode' cartoon series.

"Yaharrr, me hearties!"

by Crabby McCrab-Crabberson June 26, 2005

31👍 10👎

International talk like a pirate day

The most holiest of days through out the calender in which everybody in the world spends the day talking as they would if pirates had won the war against the ninja's (although ninja's are still way cooler). This is what should happen however tragically most people ignore the day or missinterperit it as a day in which to have a laugh talking like a pirate, the sad dilusional fools. This day is to celebrate the creation of the pirate army that bravely gave it's life in the war of the garr's (against ninja's) and allowed pirate communities to escape and exist in secret through out the world and passed on the tradition of international talk like a pirate day.

Remember those lost and honour them as you raise your tankards of grog and let out your honourary "GAAAAARRRRRRR" in their memory. If you can't find grog just have beer and get pissed instead.
The accepted GAAAAARRRRRRR contains 5 A's and 7 R's.

GAAAAARRRRRRR This be international talk like a pirate day

GAAAAARRRRRRR We will remember those who sacreficed themselves to save pirate traditions by forcing the world to talk like they would for a day. It will be called International talke like a pirate day.

by Bongonator January 4, 2008

22👍 7👎

one eyed, one legged pirate

When you are having sex with a girl doggy style, spit on her back, then when she turns around you blow your load in one eye, and kick her in the shin and let her hop around on one leg, holding her eye.

Person 1-"Oh man Sarah's angry at me."
Person 2-"Why's that?"
Person 1-"Ah i did a one eyed, one legged pirate to her, it was funny though, watching her hop around like that!"

by JewSlap March 7, 2016

9👍 2👎