Source Code

Baby Eagle

a cigarette

John: Hey mike, you got any baby eagles?
Mike: Yeah i got a whole flock (pack).

by joejohnjames March 14, 2010

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Toast Babies

toast babies are what they sound like, baby toasts. made with tiny pieces of

bread and a toaster {tiny toaster is optional} they must be made with love and

both parties must consent to making them, nothing may be forced. they must have

at least two parents although they may have up to 9. if you happen to have

someone that is 76 years of age or older you may then add 2 additional parents

allowing the older people to take naps at regular intervals. if someone asks you

to make toast babies with them you should agree for this is a most amazing

offer. for it shows that they think you will show the toast babies enough love

and are fit to be a toast parent. it is frowned upon to not eat your toast

children after playing with them for a minimum 5 minutes, and is also forbid

that you eat them before 5 minutes. {rule does not apply to normal sized toast}

the toast children are happy to be eaten to both complete their life goals and

to nourish their loving parents. it is okay to be sad about your toast babies

being gone also.

person 1 walking up with a bag of mini bread

{not to be confused with mini waffles}

and a toaster says to person 2

"will you make toast babies with me?"

"gasp," says person 2. "what an honnor of course i will help you to make our

toast babies"

then they scamper off to find an electrical outlet and make their toast babies.

by CannibalHobo January 28, 2010

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craven baby

The baby that comes 9 months after the renouned country jamboree at craven, the sex party of saskatchewan.

I'm afraid that i was too drunk at the jamboree and might end up with a craven baby.

by r0yse January 27, 2009

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killing a baby

exercising your core muscles. From a puerile conversation I had with my friend as to whether you can do an abortion on yourself by contracting your core hard enough to crush a fetus to death. Credit to my friend Diego for this one.

I was killing a baby in the gym, did some weighted sit ups then back extensions

by poopy pants 3 November 28, 2010

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Maybe baby

A maybe baby is a girl who when you try to arrange a date with, says she maybe free on a certain date but when the day comes rearranges. Maybe baby’s can’t keep to plans and generally only ever meet on spontaneous whims. They usually become instagram & whatsapp friends with 100s of guys and never commit to a relationship.

She cancelled the date last minute, that girl a maybe baby!

by omsie April 8, 2021

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Baby Check

When man on a monthly or otherwise regular basis punches his female partner in the stomach to insure that she isn't (or is no longer) pregnant.

Johnny thought Sally was pregnant, so he baby checked her last week and quit worrying.

by ` V E N D E T T A January 3, 2009

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Baby boi

A nickname given to a male figure who is sweet and caring. Usually used among same sex male couples, baby boi can be assigned to the top to express the bottoms willingness to see his partner as an equal.

My baby boi bought a plane ticket that was $300 to come with me to New York.

by great_guy10 June 14, 2010

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