Formally used to define throwing but has been collectively decided that it can solely only mean yes, approval or excitement
Person 1: can you send the link
Amazing person 2: yeet
Formally used to define throwing an object, but there is a recent popularity of using Yeet to mean Yes, excitement, or approval
Person 1: can you send link
Person 2: Yeet
Formally used to define throwing an object but a recent influx of individuals have used it
to mean yes, approval or excitement
Person 1: can you send a link
Person 2: Yeet
Yeet is a term used in fortnite... as a little kid would say. Yeet is a funnier way to throw something. Usually when someone does it, it's for luck, or humor from peers.
For example, you throw something and yell yeet people will laugh.
When you throw something at a manner of awesome- ness!
Guy 1: *inserts 'YEET' to a game*
Guy 2: "YEET"? Whats a "YEET" ?
Guy 1: *flips board game to guy 2's face* YEET!
When you throw something with force while proceding to say "yeet".
Sam throws a peice of crumpled paper into the bin with force.
Sam (whilst yeeting) shouts "yeet" at the top of his voice.