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The moon

Just because it’s cheese, doesn’t mean you should eat it. It expired a long time ago.

Cause of death: ate the moon after expiration date.

by coveted seed September 15, 2022

1👍 3👎

The Moon

Victoria Nimblett

Hey! Did you see The Moon tonight

by gorba lorba December 17, 2023

The Moon

let's face it: we all know the moon's a hologram

Some guy with a tin-foil hat: hey, did you know that the moon landing was fake? also, the moon's a hologram.

by Nukes.io February 15, 2020

The moon

is made of cheese

the moon is made of cheese

by THE EARF December 29, 2022

The Moon

Part of Mars, according to the president

Trump just said that the moon is part of Mars

by Person012010110 June 8, 2019

Nevada red moon

Nevada red moon is basically ejaculating in the home depot color aisle and nut at the moment

man 1: i just did a big nevada red moon yesterday

man 2: what the fuck man

by ClaudeSpeed EX July 4, 2022

Nevada Red moon

Nevada Red moon is the act of ejactulating on a shade in the home depot color section

man 1: yo jonesy i just nevada red mooned all over the place

jonesy: what the fuck john

by ClaudeSpeed EX July 4, 2022