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Something Waluigi gets but you don't

Joe: hey fam ever heard of sex
Obama: wish could have it bro like Waluigi

by WorshipStana666 December 17, 2019

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People pay money for sex because they are ugly and no one wonts to fuck them.

I have $100000 now have sex with me!!!!!

by Anonymous?!?!?!......." October 6, 2019

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the main purpose of life for people on urban dictionary.

half (sometimes more) of the trending definitions on urban dictionary are about sex.

by garbeargao August 12, 2020

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When a guy and a girl get together and the guy puts his dick in the girls pussy.

Guy: Ohhh i can believe we r having sex(moans)
Girl: I know right.
Guy:Ohh you feel so good.
Girl: Yes! Go harder on me.

by Real_Country_Girl December 21, 2018

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When da pee pee go in the bad hole

Sex is cool

by Probably one June 11, 2019

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Seriously?! What kind of person are you? Looking up sex in urban dictionary!! Get off before I turn off the Internet

Stop searching up sex in a dictionary, go watch porno's or shit

by Crystallovesmemes April 27, 2019

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You both get naked then you slide the penis in to the viginine


by horny 8 years old girl February 22, 2018

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