Source Code

spoken word

a)spoken word is a revival of an acient african art form. b)It is words spoken with a rhythm not necesarily a beat and not necesarily rhyming. c)Spoken word has a through line, it is soulful, it can be fun and beautiful and defiantely requires skill. d)often compaired to poetry

Tupac had some deep spoken word
(a section from)In the Event Of My Demise - Tupac Shakur

In the event of my Demise
when my heart can beat no more
I Hope I Die For A Principle
or A Belief that I had Lived 4

by cactusnotmuchbetterthannocactus April 10, 2006

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these words kill

death metal hardcore band from the stockton 209 area that is the new sex, and their music can tear the flesh off of ones face. brutally. *pinch harmonic*

TWK fan: dude lets go to a These Words Kill show on saturday!
noob: ok alright as soon as im done listening to my new green day album...

*goes to show on saturday*

TWK fan: these guys fucking own!

by the ibanez of death September 8, 2006

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Annoying word

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction

I have a annoying word

by dark || TLK October 1, 2022

Vanity Word

When someone defines a name or pseudonym of a person, sometimes out of spite but usually to get into a girls pants. May be written by the person themself, which only serves to make them look like an ass.

Despite the fact that you're actually not supposed to have definitions focused on non-celebrities, there are many such definitions.

He's been a pompous dick since someone wrote a Vanity Word of his obnoxious Gaia Online account.

by GrokMonkey August 7, 2011

King of Words

King of Words is the pen name or pseudonym of Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, dramatist, actor, director and researcher from Sylhet, Bangladesh.

A: I liked Md. Ziaul Haque's pen name a lot!
B: What is his pen name?
A: Well, it is 'King of Words'! Is it not exceptional and beautiful?
B: O yes! It is really a very nice pen name to have!

by Rajeeb2014 July 2, 2018

lost word

1. A word that has been rejected from Urban Dictionary
2. A word used to write a definition about a word that was rejected, usually an inside joke for people who complain about their definition not being published
3. A slang word that doesn't catch on and dies alone and sad
4. a joke refering to itself if it becomes lost, and it probily will

Person1: Ugh why cant i come up with a new word that doesnt die alone!
Person2: that should be called a lost word!
Person1: to bad it will end up defining its self

by Braybray54321 March 9, 2017

Word Circle

another way to say mouth

Bri told him to shut his word circle

by chibbsy November 4, 2019