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Devil's Ferrari

Any person, thing, or decision that is sure to lead you quickly to evil/ruin or may possibly cause all hell to break loose.

Daughter: "I'm thinking about getting tik tok."
Mother: "Don't even think about it! That app is the Devil's Ferrari."

Boy: "I was thinking about asking ___ out for ice cream."
Friend: "Her? No man, she's the Devil's Ferrari."

by GOAT@the_dry_cleaners April 25, 2023

Devils Chained

The act of covering a chain in hot sauce and then sticking it up ones rectum.

Last night I was bored so I Devils Chained my friend, let's say he had a spicy experience.

by rekrz August 3, 2024

Devil's Trifecta

When three partys that have sexual frustration towards one another meet at a T shaped crossroad by chance.

Unbeknownst to any of them, Gabby, Jocelyn, and Henry ran into each other after a few off and on dates entering a Devil's Trifecta..The plot thickens.

by Magic Panda January 21, 2021

Black Devil

The great embodiment of malice, a devilish entity who exists to do evil in everyway, and has no signs of guilt, only pleasure.

The Black Devil's lurking in the shadows, where mortals will soon succumb to fear.

by C200 December 22, 2024

Playing the devil's Gameboy

Spending excessive time on one's smartphone, or otherwise unhealthy, inappropriate or antisocial smartphone behaviour.

You might make some friends if you went out and were nice to people instead of sitting here playing the devil's Gameboy.

by Urbepedia November 24, 2021

Devils Eggnog

A bowl pack of Marijuana with a coating of nut meg on top. It is widely known for being started in Connecticut but has spread to a majority of the country.

Hey man, you wanna pack a bowl?

Yeah but lets do some Devils Eggnog.

by Conneticut Stoner May 15, 2019

how the devil's name

a synonym phrase for, and a less rude version of, 'how the fuck'

father: son go do your homework and improve your grades.

son (scowling): how the devil's name did you know my grades were so poor?

father: I had the common sense to clean out the ashes from the fireplace. And guess what I found ? Bits and pieces of your report card. Put two and two together and the result is, that you tried burning your report card; didn't want your mom and myself to see it, I'd imagine?

by Sexydimma April 30, 2013