Rhyming slang for "dick!"
A female chick is pretty self-explanatory, but a male chick is essentially a juvenile rooster, or cock!
Person 343: Male To Female (Iowa): The First Juvenile Release; The First Juvenile Release.
Meredydd’s are friendly but take a lot of convincing to build that trust.
Meredydd’s are always happy to help, but sometimes end up being walked all over because of this.
Meredydd’s put on a hard front but deep down are really sensitive and easy to upset.
Although Meredydd’s like to laugh, they are very serious most of the time and they can come accords as moody and grumpy.
A person with a bigforehead has been proven to basically 100% of the time to have a very large pp
Having a Big forehead (male) will scientifically be proven enlarge your pp size
A male superfigure that’s perceived to be an icon.
Alton mason is an ultra male.
Yemmy gives me an ultra male vibe
Sexy Male version of a yandere
Karen: hey girl that guy killed a boy who tried to tutor his crush
Alexa: must be a male yandere those are pretty rare
A man that is so chad and innovative, that he surpasses those of alphas and sigmas, standing as the leader of leaders, the true emperors of males that any man wishes to be become.
These people are highly respected by all, commiting to his ideals for the betterment of humanity while reaching enlightenment. Despite their dominant personality, they are humble, upstanding souls wishing to improve the lives of all. An Upsilon Male is a man of the people, a true, selfless leader that everyone aspires to be.
Mark: I thought Jeremy was an alpha male, but really after he commited his entire day to working at the soup kitchen when they were low on staff, I knew that was the mark of an Upsilon Male
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