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Red Bone

Take it from a real "Reyd Bone" herself...
A red bone is:

1) Term to describe a light skin black person (whether male or female).

2) Nickname for a light-skin black girl/woman when a guy tries to talk to them.

(*Red bone does not have 2 be thick to be considered a red bone, that waz just a part of Ciara's song "Oh")

1) "U talkin bout dat sexy 'red bone' right there?"

2) "Ay red, lemme holla atcha?" (red- short 4 red bone)

by Bri Da Top Notch Reyd BONE! June 12, 2006

1219๐Ÿ‘ 1551๐Ÿ‘Ž

red lobster

When a man penetrates a menstraiting woman, then pulls out and slaps her in the chest and orgasming at the same time, thus leaving a red "lobster" shape and a buttery finish

"Jane is super freaky, she asked my dad to give her a red lobster"

by Kyle Tarrant August 10, 2007

134๐Ÿ‘ 149๐Ÿ‘Ž

red eye

when someone is stoned and there eyes change colour to red.

you've got bad red eye

by rob April 12, 2005

133๐Ÿ‘ 151๐Ÿ‘Ž

red sox

possibly the most hypocritical team in MLB. most of the red sox players look like hobos picked off the street.. and they have the behavior and manners of street hobos too! their fans are the most obnoxious in MLB, and most pathetic, too. they spend more time cheering "YANKEES SUCK!" than they do cheering their own team. and they think that one world series win in 86 YEARS makes them lords of the universe.last time i checked, a team with 6 world series wins and 86 years of choking is not better than a team that has won 26 world series in the past 26 years. if you want to see an excellent baseball team, go about 200 miles southwest to the bronx and go see the yankees.

"wow. i am the best baseball fan in america. my team is the red sox, and they are THE BEST team in all of the world. i assume that each and every person who lives within a 100 mile radius of NYC is low-class, obnoxious, and ignorant. i don't realize that all those things really just apply to myself. but don't tell me any negative things about my team! if you do, you automatically SUCK. i can't listen to ANYTHING you people say, because i'm narrow-minded and snobby. oh, yeah, i forgot- 'YANKEES SUCK!' ha ha. that's the only thing i know how to say when i'm at fenway pahhkk. the red sox are wicked ahhhhsome!"

by yankees fan for life January 15, 2005

58๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

Red Pen

A pen with red ink. You use it to piss off your teachers when they try and mark your work in red pen. They get really mad and go to find a new colour of pen. This is a good idea when you have really old like Mr. West. Red pens suck!

Mitch: Mark my work West.
West: O bob saget its in red pen!
Mitch: Your gonna have to find a new colour!
West: O bob saget!

by MitchnCam December 9, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

red sea

what happens every month for women


by satan November 19, 2003

22๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

red neck

1.White people who come from the deep south or just about any rural area. 2.Usually turned on by their kin and have low standards of living.

1.see Jeff Foxworthy routines.
2."Shake it, sis!"

by Fatass February 14, 2003

61๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž