A descriptive word for an attractive female with physical alterations. Referencing to a "low low" (a vehicle with altered suspension), which is more aesthetically pleasing than other vehicles of its type.
"Peep the low low over there."
"Did you see that low low?"
"Low lows ain't my thing; with their barby ratchet ass, I like authentics."
An idiot 3d video game modder.
P1:"He's really idot for a modder."
P2:"Yeah, he has a low poly brain."
Demon lows- Badass people don’t mess with them. If you mess with them they will not be happy
an utter retard but he’s oright
person: “do you know who Will Lowe is?”
other person: “no wtf”
Brother went chowin down on the clams of the superstar stiky viky and then rocked back to the hotel in his rocky shirt and fedora to get large and incharge with the lasses in maccies
Will lowe is a real lucky man he went to the love shak with sticky viky
A set of circumstances one finds himself in that are a direct result of complying with unreasonable demands, hasty decision making, or social pressure. The situation has no upside, and in fact, is a drain on time, creativity, and resources well after the situation has ended.
Fatigue caused by prolonged exposure to low IQ situations transforms unwilling participants into instigators.
He got himself in one too many Low IQ Situations with his ex-girlfriend that eventually he got addicted to drugs to cope and now he can’t even be in a social setting without embarrassing himself.
A sexy woman with a nice pair of tits very good in bed and can show you a thing or two loves a good shag as she is also very horny
I would love to shag Jill Lowe