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working the bottom

When a Supervisor is heavily at work ensuring the crew is spinning the top, the other members of the crew sexually assaulting his bottom area.

Hey T, Q sure was occupied watching the top spinning. He didn’t even realize they were blasting him from the bottom end. He’s not going to be able to walk tomorrow after working the bottom like that.

by ESNS Untouchables June 28, 2024

Stolen work

Yeah that's the worst isn't it?

Hym "Oh yeah, we care so much about stolen work. All anyone ever gets from any of you is motivation policing and partisan narrative reinforcement. You're the bought and paid-for clout police of the state. You know, on an unrelated note. You'd think if you could get away with fucking the retards it would be a MALE dominated professional. Sign up now. Work in a group home for the disabled today. You can fuck the retards if they're not too gross for you. Everybody seems to be totally cool with it. Right? Apply now! This is my official retard group-home recruitment ad. Sign up now and you and 3 other guys can take turns fucking the most attractive retard we can find."

by Hym Iam September 9, 2023

Working (Referring to the Queen of Kings)

Working (Referring to the Queen of Kings) is in reference to the unique situation where a boss and two co-workers will not cooperate during a stage rehearsal. This trio would rather do a salute instead of getting back to blocking.

"You guys have no idea what Working (Referring to the Queen of Kings) means" she said as she collapsed in a puddle of tears.

by Max_Anderson January 25, 2024

Bored Work

when mrbeast misspoke in his very outdated monopoly video

"Now you advance to Bored Work....*confusion*"

by eyehfb82o7ug rffoiquljheflkjb February 9, 2023

I Used to Work in Chicago

A drinking song sang by Rugby types. Usually in the format of call and response chanting about doing misogynistic things to a woman coming into a store and asking for different items. You can be very inventive with this chant, especially after a few pints....

Person: One day a woman into the store asking for a hammer
Chorus: A hammer from the store?
Person: A hammer she wanted, nailed she got!
Chorus: Oh I used to work in Chicago in an old department store, i used to work in Chicago I don't work there anymore.

by chigman452 September 30, 2022

work doctor

Someone who says, thinks, or believes 'work' is the cure

"I'm not feeling well today"
"Just come/go to work and you'll feel better"
"What are you? The work doctor?"

by Dog-lover22 February 6, 2017

Working Hands

when you finger a woman (or jerk a guy off) after rubbing your hands together and using working hands hand cream. this causes tons of dry skin rolls to pile up on your hand, and get lodged inside of the pussy of the woman or the urethra of the male.

M: Hey hot stuff, wanna get fingered Working Hands style?
W: What the fuck is wrong wtih you? Please get a life

by tundra5 December 24, 2024