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Jizz Juice

noun A fine beverage sourced right from within the penis. Characterised by its creamy appearance and consistency, it contains subtle hints of vanilla and notes of sperm. It has a frothy texture and is white in colour. It’s a nice refreshment that pairs well with eating ass.

She drank up that jizz juice when’s she was giving me that samsung spin cycle sloppy toppy

by bruhyouredrinkingcumpowder? November 6, 2021

jizz on the brain

When you're a whore

Steve - "Dat bitch got jizz on the brain"

by Pinguino25 October 2, 2017

jizz conga line

jizz conga line is when someone is analy fucking your ass and finishes inside, then the person recieving busts a nut, thus the jizz goes from person to person. this method can also be combined with an anal train.

bro i walked into the toilets and there was 3 dudes doing a jizz conga line

by damo dazza March 5, 2024

Jizz Hockey

when you ejaculate in the winter and your semen freezes on the ground and you play Hockey on it

Companion: Did you know I did a bit of Jizz Hockey last
You: sounds very intriguing companion

by Nigga Central October 5, 2023

jizz n' pray

Cumming inside a girls pussy and praying she doesn't get knocked up

I pull a Jizz N' Pray with Stephanie last night, I hope she doesn't get pregnant from it.

by tteddy1985 July 28, 2015

Jizz Mullet

Referring to a type of manscaping in which the balls are tightly trimmed but the butthole hair is long. Business on the balls and party on the butt.

When I went back to Ziggy’s house for some booty he bent over and showed me his jizz mullet.

by Silky mane July 3, 2020

jizz flan

A Jizz Flan is an open, rimmed, pastry or sponge base, containing a sweet or savoury Jizz filling. Examples are the quiche lorraine, custard tart, and cummy yummy tummy surprise.

Give me another jizz flan will you, I'm going to eat this one without my hands.

by Turdsandwich22 June 24, 2017