When you look past your short term goals.
God, im sick of sex i just want love 😭😭
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An expression, commonly used in a negative way in order to tell someone to go fuck off. It can also be used in a "you know what?" kind of manor, as an exclamation or frustration. It has the added benefit of insulting how the recipient spends his free time, and is synonymous with "you just sit on your ass all day"
Bill: "Hey, you wanna hang out today?"
Jon: "Nah I'd rather just stay home and watch a movie."
Bill: "Fine then, you can just sit there, pissing and shitting yourself all day."
Fred: "Hey, we're gonna play some basketball, wanna come?"
Joe: "I just had a really bad break up, I'd rather be alone."
Fred: "Well you can just sit at home, pissing and shitting yourself while we have fun ya douche."
I don’t know why. But I really think the new music that’s being released today sucks ass. I have a very big discography and I’m always listening to good music especially around the late 1970s and early 1980s era. I wasn’t even born then. But I always have a lack of music that’s been released in the 2000s. Especially the 2010s and 2020s. Music these days is so bad it’s absurd. I thought music was horrible back in 2004, but it ain’t nearly as shitty as today’s honk of shit. Music from 2004 actually sounds good in comparison to what they’re playing today. And I was only 13 back then. It’s a disgrace, I honestly think the new music dumbs you down, I can feel my IQ dropping when I listen to it...
Probably had something to do with Bill Clinton signing something in 1996 or something. That allowed radio stations in America to buy as much stations in a market that they could, so all the big corporations bought out all the media and destroyed the music industry. Anything that’s been released since 1996 basically has been crappier than the music that came before, if you ask me.
Is it just me, or does the music today suck ass?
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You have to be a special kind of dumb to need a definition
Person 1: “ lol i just defined a word in urban dictionary”
Amorphous glob: “no shit sherlock”
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I’m just a clever, crafty troll.
Just like you guys hehehe.
Can’t you tell that I am just a troll
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The term you use when people are trying to make you be friends agian with two or more people, after you decided to never be their friend agian. You can use the term, but no one listens to you and keeps on saying how you should go back to being their friends, even though you hate your old friends and your starting to get pisses off at the people that are trying to reunite you with your old friends that you don't want to be around and you just plain don't care about.
Person A: Come on Person B! You know that you and Person C & D are best friends forever!
Person B: Oh my God! Listen to me! I plain, just, don't CARE about them!!! I don't WANT to be their friend! Don't you get that!?!
Person A: Yes. But uh...come on! I want to be the one to reunite the three of you!
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'I always looked up to that teacher of mine, because he seemed like such a nice guy, but he put me on blast in front of everyone.''Well, you know what they say: sometimes what appears to be a star is just a bleached asshole.'
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