When all you can do with your paycheck is pay your bills, you dont't have a pay day-you have a bill payday.
Tim: Hey Bill! Is tomorrow payday?
Bill: Not for me! It's bill payday!😫
Bill & teds homosexual adventure is a song by gay punk rock band “Pansy Division”
It’s time for bill & teds homosexual adventure
Bill will find that one person that will love him more than anybody has ever known and will know.They will start something together and he will love her with every bit of energy and soul.This relationship will have a lot of ups and downs but they will travel through time together and solve every problem.
Bill’s relationship-Having a good time with his girl ,makes her feel confident and able to be herself around him.
Korey phillips a goat the greatest of all time that boy that always look fly don't care.
Lil bill bill is a goat
Unpopular cases are the ones that people hopefully don't forget in favor of something that appeals to more people's taste in what a good trial should be like.
Instead of listening to somebody that tries to tell people they are winning something, or that everybody is winning something, and getting their hopes/ego/morale boosted, doesn't it make more sense to focus on what all you're losing in life, and what the cost will be to you or others, even if it's not all sunshine and positivity? The Bill Cosby case illustrates that the machine/system is not really a win-win for anybody, no wonder it's not popular. People like their bullshit in America, bullshit is what's popular, people like to hear win-win and happy endings even if reality is not always like that for everybody. A realistic outcome isn't going to be popular.
Handsome, outgoing, mind-spoken, funny, optimistic, joking, and amazing person. People by the name Bill Tsoukalas often fall in love with women named Vanessa or Vivian! They love to joke around, be funny, and make someone's day!
Bill Tsoukalas is a funny dude!
Slipping sleeping pills into an alcoholic beverage and give that to their date and have sexual intercourse with them without them knowing it.
Bill was mad at his girlfriend hasn't had sex with him in a long time so he gave her a Bill Cosby Sleeper.