Source Code

Spock air quotes

Similar to the standard air quotes gesture however you use the Spock hand formation and only use it to describe scientific or technical quotes.

I would have called bullshit on his string theory explanation however he did use Spock air quotes so Iโ€™m pretty sure he is correct.

by Sperbs and paint can Rench July 22, 2019

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Noun, a natural phenomenon that occurs when air is hot and humid. At this time air smells and tastes sweet however, too much can make you feel tired and sweaty.

Person 1: Wow, the air tastes and smells so sweet!
Person 2: You must be talking about the Cotton-Candy-Air.
Person 1: So that's what that's called!

by Shaving Cream Is Delishos July 1, 2017

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MacBook Air 2020

Is a laptop made by apple that has the M1 Silicon chip. It's powerful but the MacOS makes it useless.

MacBook Air 2020 s are very powerful but you shouldn't buy it because it isn't worth it.

by asdflkjasdlfp0 February 9, 2023

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air force chick

The most beautiful women in the Armed Forces belong to the Air Force. Known for being smart and hot. Prefer Marine men over any other branch. Do not piss off. Steer clear of women in Aircraft Maintenance and Security Forces career fields.

"Damn that Air Force chick is hot! "
"Damn her booty looks good in that flight suit! "

by USMC80 December 18, 2015

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The Air And Water Show

The unfortunate event of shitting and puking at the same time.

"Did you find Jimmy?"
"Yeah he's in the john. It's the air and water show in there!"

by Shoc And Awe June 25, 2014

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Air Horn Defense

During an argument any statement or comment that leaves the other person stunned or confused.

2. When EPIC FAIL is greater than EPIC WIN.

Bob: I'm telling you Star Trek is better!

John: No your wrong Star Wars is waay better.

James: You're both wrong Stargate Atlantis was the best Sci-Fi show.


by Big Ninja JIm October 30, 2011

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Call in an air strike

The war cry shouted when someone is shitting their pants uncontrollably whilst inebriated

Mawson: "Oh god, I'm crapping my pants! Call in an airstrike!"

by gaselite August 15, 2003

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