Applies to a sports coach who brazenly or maliciously attacks their players and/or staff through personal verbal intimidation or actual physical attacks and then denies such attacks occurred. Term applies to the University of Kansas coach who was the first sport's coach accused of making personal attacks against his players. A subsequent investigation ended with his resignation.
"Damn, did you see where Jim Leavitt just got Mark Manginoed?"
"Yeah, pretty soon the players'll be running the asylum!"
A hickey. Usually left on the neck.
"That girl went crazy on me last night, look at this huge purple suck mark on my neck."
So easy to fall in love with Mark. He makes you laugh when your trying to be mad at him, and gives you the cutest kisses on the forhead. He's very loyal and genuine guy. He will tell you the truth, and is very truthful with anything you ask. He's amazing so don't ever give a mark up. They are the best thing you"ll ever have.
Mark Jenfchele is the best boyfriend and the best soonest husband to the person name starts with letter "R" and ends with letter "N", dont let em' go. Therefore, he is patay na patay with you.
Mark Wahlberg had an affair with a Chinese lesbian in 2005 and had given birth to a baby boy who was named after his father but more scuffed
"honey there is someone with our neighbor Marc, the kid doesn't even look like him, I'm calling 911"
"Sweety stop! Thats his son"
"Whats his name then?"
*Laughs in braille*
"Mark Chinaberg"
The most amazing woman you'll ever meet in your life. She is definitely a keeper. Someone you're friends and family and going to love. Plus she's amazing in bed.
Wow, that's Christina Marks.
An advertising monopolist who exploits people's personal information to sell targeted advertising on the internet.
I posted that my uncle is recovering in the hospital with stomach problems, and Mark Hucksterman started pushing adult diaper ads on my timeline.