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Abu asar

Rahul is the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. He knows how to make you laugh on any occasion. He is really humble even though he should be proud of ALL of his traits.

Abu asar- Attractive person

by Anonymous122227727272 November 24, 2021

Abu ali

Someone who opens the chat 5 seconds and leaves for 5 years

Seth : “where were you gone , I graduated already “
Sam : “I put my phone on silent”
Seth :” expected from you abu ali

by Anti Abu ali August 11, 2023

Abu Dwarf

A short man with high intelligence level

Abu dwarf will rule

by Issadaily May 23, 2022

yoinked to abu dhabi and back in time for yoga

When you get absolutely destroyed in gaming

Every time I play first person shooters, I get yoinked to abu dhabi and back in time for yoga

by TheFatHairyGuy June 6, 2023

Abu basir

The servant of Allah. Who ready to serve to Allah. And the person names with Abu Basir try his best to keep his promise.

Abu Basir means the servent of Almighty Allah.

by Please be in a peace way November 24, 2021

Abu Saleem

Is a big time Pedophile loves younger girls aged around 5-14 years old.

replies saying Dad's home whenever asked by friends to hangout

Sucks dick of his college mates in the bus

texts sleeping bro then leaves msgs on seen for hours

Damn what a loser he must be a Abu Saleem

by Puneet Kumar November 25, 2021

Abu Saleem

Is a big time Pedophile loves younger girls aged around 5-14 years old.

replies saying Dad's home whenever asked by friends to hangout

Sucks dick of his college mates in the bus

texts sleeping bro then leaves msgs on seen for hours

Damn what a loser he must be a Abu Saleem

by Puneet Kumar November 25, 2021