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Banana: usually know as a fruit that is the literal spawn of Satan and gives you aids. Only an idiot wouldn't know this.

Other known definitions for a banana: an Onision follower, that after watching his oh-so cancerous videos they gradually start to peel their skin off of their bodies and devour them selves while singing 'I'm a banana' like a fucking psychopathic possessed demon spawn.

''S-Stacy w-what are you doing''
''There is no Stacy anymore, only banana'' she peels her whole fucking face off

by DefinitelyNotASerialKiller February 16, 2017

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An asian person who acts white,yellow on the outside,white inside.. Compare to an oreo, a back person who acts white.

You don't know what 99 ranch is? Lol, you're such a banana.

by Chadie Rosewater March 6, 2015

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Food that you don't make eye contact while eating

Lance liked to stare into peoples' eyes while eating bananas to make them uncomfortable

by Laxus December 1, 2014

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A word used to describe a business deal gone wrong. Often used in context when it involves someone you trusted, and after a certain season of enjoyment (usually at your expense) they ditch you for money, morals, lack of intestinal fortitude, or no apparent reason. Also could be used in describing a intimate relationship gone really bad...

"I trusted him and then he turned around and gave me the banana."

by bryandrew December 27, 2006

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A badass motherfucking fruit in this fucking planet ,it is a dumb duck that makes you shit along the way,fucking up your badass pussy or ass , but if you try one of it ,your dick wilL grow as fucking long and yellow as the BANANA ๐ŸŒ

Eat this banana you short-dicked man

by The smart bruh January 4, 2020

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A person considered to be a bit of a dafty

Term of endearment, usually used by mums except in Scotland, where this is replaced by 'daft cunt' or 'fuckwit')

A:"Why you wearing a cone on your head?"
B: "Shit, how did that get there?"
C: "Ooh, you banana!"

by Lottykitten February 28, 2009

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(nicole) (fruit) (food) (banana)

by chubby05 May 27, 2010

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