the action of being sad and expressing your sadness using Bart Simpson edits.
“oh there goes moe barting again!”
basically a person who faps for bart simpson and is epic
la granja de zenon bad
bootlegs bad
bart simpson good
dork diaries bad
Bart and Brenda classify as made up names used to describe one’s who faked their death, had run away from family and moved to Guatemala, Finland. They are besties for the resties and are on top of the world.
Bart+Brenda are top tier.
An outfit/fit that is worn on the subway
Check out my bart outfit.
when you can't remember what a brain fart is
A frain bart has nothing to do with public transportation in the Bay Area
Walking and talking while bopping your head back n forth
Yo look at the guy walking, he’s doing the Bart D!