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She’s the hottest person on earth, she has big titties and a cute smile.

Her name is quite rare in America, but quite popular in Norway and Germany.

It’s pronounced “christy-Anne” for all the retards that fuck it up all the time. All I gotta say is suck my dick.

If u like a girl named Christiane, she probably falls in love to quickly and likes u too, so ask her out!

She’s the hottest person on earth, she has big titties and a cute smile.

Her name is quite rare in America, but quite popular in Norway and Germany.

It’s pronounced “christy-Anne” for all the retards that fuck it up all the time. All I gotta say is suck my dick.

If u like a girl named Christiane, she probably falls in love to quickly and likes u too, so ask her out!

by Christiane69 November 13, 2019

7👍 3👎


The most amazing person you'll ever meet. Beautiful, both inside and out. He has an amazing sense of humor, although it is kind of twisted at some times, but he can lighten any mood in a matter of seconds. Makes everyone feel like they're insanely special. Did I mention he's insanely ADORABLE and CUTE, usually Irish. Super good at sports- one and all, but especially basketball. Superhumanly smart. Doesn't usually like anyone, so if you're lucky enogh that he falls for you... take him and NEVER let him go. Talk about imensely perfect???? Best Guy EVER to walk the Earth, along with Jesus <3

girl: hey :)
christian: hey, can i ask you something?
girl: sure
christian: i really don't like people often, but you are just amazing and I really like you.. and I was wondering.. do you li-
girl: OH MY GOD, YES! you're amazing and I like you too!


Girl 1: did you see that super cute kid shooting hopes?
Girl 2: yeah, he didn't miss any shots!
girl 1: damn, he's a real Christian!

by mIsSa_lOvEs_ChRiStIaNx333 June 17, 2011

17👍 11👎


Christianity(N): is, in short, forcing people to do what they say with the threat of torture, AKA Hell.

Christianity: Enforcing fascist law since AD500.

by Marco F October 7, 2005

284👍 290👎


The only religion in the world that offers salvation by grace (unmerited favor); all the rest require good works. In Christianity good works merely prove that an individual has faith (faith being the only requirement by Jesus Christ). Jesus Christ died for the sins of mankind because of His love for them in the same way that a parent will gladly give up his or her life for a child. Christianity is based on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son. Jesus Christ is of the same substance as His father. As a human begets a human, so God begets God.

Because of the nature of Christianity, the only true followers are those that are of a contrite spirit and are willing to die for their faith. Real Christians pray for their enemies and do not take revenge.

by JustinAlex December 29, 2011

30👍 22👎


(for the record, I don't hate Christians, I hate Christianity and what it does to people. If you wanna hate on that, have at. It's what I believe. Go ahead, tell me, once again, that I don't have the right to believe it. Everything in this article comes from survey and research.)

People who believe in the fictional compendium otherwise known as the Bible. Many Christians push their beliefs on others, and will go so far as to insult others for their beliefs and practices.

All Christians falsely believe that they were persecuted throughout history, however, in all actuality, Christians slaughtered thousands upon thousands of 'non-believers', and when they had successfully killed off enough 'non-believers' to the point that they could be considered the ruling religion, they input fictional tales of martyrdom into popular literature.

Christians were respopnsible not only for most of the religious wars throughout history, but also the torture and murder of innocent people all the way from 'witches' to Native Americans. For centuries, Christianity justified rape, slavery, child murder, theft of civil and natural rights, persecution of minorities, and closed mindedness. Even today a good portion of these things are still upheld by Christianity.

America in a largely Christian nation, and although Barak Obama has been pinned by some as a Muslim, there is no reason to believe that America has ever had a non-Christian president. As a result, religious legislation is common in America, which is supposedly a 'secular country'.

The other day, I was called a 'hopeless sinner' by a Christian when I told them I didn't want to engage in their church Bible study.

by Valorous December 3, 2008

235👍 236👎


As a Christian, I have always believed that I am better than no one else, that everyone, including me, is a sinner, that I am far, far, far from perfect, and that we should love everyone as our brothers and sisters. Someone said that 90% of Christians are sinners, but in reality, EVERYONE is a sinner. It's HUMAN NATURE. I have always tried to not have a "holier-than-thou" attitude, and I try to be a kind person to everyone, Christian or not, and I never force my beliefs on anyone. A lot of non-Christians have a stereo-type that Christians are these weird breast-beating, self righteous people, but those people are just the people who think they are Christians and they do negative things, so of course the media is going to portray Christians in a negative way, since the media is so secular these days. I try to go against the stereotype that Christians have a holier-than-thou attitude by treating others with the respect they deserve. Oh yeah,
CHRISTIANITY IS NOT A CULT. At least, not in the negative sense of the word.

I try to be a kind, non-agressive person to show others that non-Christians are not the way the media portrays them to be.

by George Woodard August 15, 2006

311👍 318👎


A cult full of unreliable people

There are no successfull religious people (christianity)

by User694208800q January 1, 2021

77👍 76👎