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cringe culture

cringe culture is people making fun of others, simply for their preferences. i want to let all of you twits know that cringe culture IS dead, and you shouldnt be making fun of people who are just doing what they enjoy doing <3 people usually hate on people who do gacha, or are furries. you use "uwu" or "owo"? thats honestly so adorable. you do gacha? id love to draw one of your characters. youre a furry? i admire your work and the effort you put into making that suit. you guys are idiots for making fun of people for what they love.

ben: ew, you do gacha?
laura: yeah, what about it?
ben: gacha's gay
laura: using "gay" as an insult is stupid and TERRIBLY offensive to the LGBTQ+ community, first of all. second of all, darling, i can do whatever the absolute fuck i want :), and third of all, cringe culture died while ago. so move your donkey ass along, and go bitch about something else, okay? bye love <3

by toekage August 15, 2020

215👍 62👎

Powerpoint culture

A work culture that encourages dumb presentations and meetings about strategy based on gut feelings and hand gestures. The strategy is never really executed after the presentation. Also the exhibitors usually support setting goals as a way of life and endless boring conversations about the structure of their team.
The presentations almost always use Microsoft's Powerpoint software.

The culture worships graphic design and helps incompetent people to keep their jobs even though if they were to die tomorrow, the company’s profits would not be harmed and even improved.

If the presentations are on stage it can also be called "TED culture".

I got fired. I have to feed my kids ... Jessica's dad arranged for me to do a temporary office cleaning job. But it's not so bad, a break from the powerpoint culture. You don't even have to send weeklies to the boss there.

by no_well_no December 31, 2022

cultural distraction

A cultural distraction is due to cultural activities that are practiced by one culture but has also become an activity for other cultures although it doesn't really pertain to their own culture or doesn't really matter, really.

"Do we really have to participate in this cultural distraction of Chinese New Year's again? Really? Why are we celebrating their New Year again? Are we going to end up buying trinkets for things we don't really believe in? I think this is all a marketing ploy to sell trinkets every year.

by TellItLikeItIs. January 20, 2015

Culture Head

Is any person that embraces any particular set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and actively practices the same characterizations of an institution, organization, group or community.

Suzie and Johnny embrace the vegetarian culture and practice not eating animal or animal bi-products, as the people in their pro-vegetarian club practices as well. Thus, Suzie and Johnny are culture heads.

by AlwaysWordGeeking March 3, 2009

Roof Culture

Training parkour for years and years and then then testing your abilities in a life or death situation. Meaning testing of what you’re capable of at greater heights.

Bro 1 - “hey Bro I really feel like I want to push myself to the limit with my parkour training and I’ve been training for 7 years”

Bro 2 - “yeah I think so. You ready for some roof culture then?”

Bro 1 - “let’s gooooo

by Big Black Pegasus May 14, 2018

culture jamming

Culture Jamming is the act of subverting mass media or communication to produce negative commentary on it’s self.
It is a form of social activism. It’s usually as a social movement against commercialism.
There are many types of culture jamming some are:
Guerrilla radio
Political vandalism
Passive jamming

The corporate network was flooded by the culture jamming activists.
Did you hear them culture jamming the radio waves?

by Dr Inkerman September 7, 2006

47👍 10👎

Culturally Confused

Confusing a common cultural mainstay with another culture altogether.

Paula (walking into a Japanese restaurant): "Hola, amigos!"

Alisha: "Don't mind my friend, she's just culturally confused."

by MegnKen April 16, 2010

16👍 2👎