A cultural distraction is due to cultural activities that are practiced by one culture but has also become an activity for other cultures although it doesn't really pertain to their own culture or doesn't really matter, really.
"Do we really have to participate in this cultural distraction of Chinese New Year's again? Really? Why are we celebrating their New Year again? Are we going to end up buying trinkets for things we don't really believe in? I think this is all a marketing ploy to sell trinkets every year.
A serial dater is someone who doesn't know what they want in a relationship. They keep dating all kinds of people from different backgrounds trying to land the person they think they can fit themselves into the lives of who they date. A serial dater will go to a party with a date and will try to make moves on others who already are in a relationship or has a date or gf at the party. This person will think she can also get him, as she plans on all the people she dates. She prefers steak dinners to salads. She is a taker, not a giver. No wonder all the guys don't stick around to be with her. She will continue to prowl on the internet on free dating websites like PlentyOfFish.com, Match.com, and all other free websites. She never pays. She only takes. If she ever gives, it will be from something or somewhere where she has taken.
Helen is such a serial dater. She has dated so many men and nothing lasts. She is looking for a free steak or lamb dinner.
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