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George W. Bush

The leader of the highest level of organized crime ever seen by the world in the history of all mankind.

George W. Bush is the appointed, not elected, president of the U.S.A. and enough to make most Americans ashamed to be from such a place.

by D. December 6, 2004

1273πŸ‘ 591πŸ‘Ž

George W. Bush

See asshole, hypocrite, dumbass, Homsar.

George W. Bush is all of the above. Why Homsar? Just listen to the way they both speak.

by DJ Samurai December 10, 2003

188πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

George W. Bush

adj: media whore, bullshit artist

verb: to manipulate mainstream media into declaring him a national hero because of his attack on Iraq. To redirect attention away from his lack of action or results following the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center. To bolster his sagging ratings as president by making a hero out of someone who got lost in Iraq, simply because they (she) couldn't read a map.

E.G. for ALL: "Boy, am I ever Bushed!"

by Doctor Midnite September 5, 2003

187πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

George W. Bush

The American President who once said about his election:
"It's amazing that I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency"
-speaking to Swedish Prime Minister Goran Perrson, unaware that a live television camera was still tolling

But be positive... at least he knows the word incumbency!

And to think that this man is at the head of the worlds most powerful corporation... I mean country.

by Stephen Kenny December 11, 2003

176πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

George W. Bush

George W. Bush. 43rd President of the United States. Arrogant Napoleonic monkey and fearmonger of the Republican Party. Is tired, has faltered, and failed. An embarrassment. Unpatriotic. Hateful. Spiteful.

Bush was born July 6th, 1946 to rich white parents in New Haven, Connecticut, but somehow likes to call himself a Texan. Married to Laura Welsh Bush who killed her boyfriend in 1963. Yale Graduate. Twin daughters Jenna Bush and Barbara Bush. Probably fathered Barney the dog. Dry drunk since he was 40 years old, numerous psychological defects. Reads and comprehends on a 6th grade level, just behind Jethro Bodine. Speaks better Spanish than English.

A dumbass who raided Social Security to pay for conservative agenda, failed to provide funding for schools leaving most children left behind. (Except rich white kids).

Borrowed and spent the treasury in 4 years, leaving trillions of dollars in debt. Clueless on how to balance a checkbook. Spends money like a drunken sailor (with apologies to the Navy). Father George H W Bush set him up in oil business. Ran most of his ventures into the ground. Owned Texas Rangers Baseball team that was bailed out with taxpayer money. Built a new Baseball Stadium with tax dollars, managing to put a lot in his pocket also.

Complete idiot who deserted the National Guard. Received shrapnel wounds while in service by getting 2 dental fillings. Total lack of military experience led to disastrous killing of US soldiers in Iraq because of his incompetence. Took military to war in unrelated country after 9/11, and cut their benefits.

Was informed of Osama bin Laden upon being selected President. Ignored threat. Was reading My Pet Goat during 9/11 attack. Repealed Bill of Rights. Created huge bureaucracy to handle security. Hasn’t secured country yet, even after spending the treasury.

Despised by the entire world, still thinks he’s top dog. Pees on his pant leg often.

Fortunately for the world, there is only one example of this low-life.

by Pat Robertson December 3, 2004

1750πŸ‘ 830πŸ‘Ž

George W. Bush

Living proof that dumbasses can make it into the Oval Office.

George W. Bush has has a lower IQ than a cockroach!

by Piranha January 27, 2007

427πŸ‘ 190πŸ‘Ž

George W. Bush

1. See retard.
2. See chimp.
3. See retard. Sorry, but it can't be helped.

George W. Bush is the dumbest person on Earth.

by DCx February 2, 2004

174πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž