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Caitlyn Margaret Hart

Heh.. she's... kinda awesome Lol. When someone tells you they have a friend with the name Caitlyn Margaret Hart, you know you've got a keeper!

Person 1: "Dude that girl is so bad who is she?"
Person 2: "Bro that's Caitlyn Margaret Hart."

by sefy February 3, 2025

Terance Hart

The most Childish, annoying, and immature name you can possibly name your child. Formally Banned by the Goodrich Community Schools Board of Education. This name was quote "banned for the reason of the name being a disgrace to the community". Wyatt Herrington (MHSAA RULES ADMINISTRATOR) advocated for this banning as he had to put up with Terance Hart at Crosswinds Aviation in Flint Michigan. Wyatt stated that "This was coming for Terance... he needs to grow the fuck up!" ... he was mad. Grace Hull's face at the banning was surpirsed. The only defence at the formal banning hearing was Austin Sawicki and that did nothing. Bottom line... do not name your child Terance Hart.

Have you heard of Terance Hart? ... YES DO NOT NAME YOUR KID THAT... JUST ASK WYATT!

by Terance_Hart November 26, 2019

Kevin Hart

Standing small at 5ft2, Kevin Hart is the same height as a 13 year old girl. Having long ago realized that he will never be taken seriously as a man because he is a petite and effeminate sissy manlet, little Kevin therefore resorts to publicly humiliating himself by performing childish comedy routines. The resulting publicity only serves to further inflate his already gargantuan Napoleon complex, which in turn drives the silly manlet to ever greater levels of compensation. It's a (hilarious) vicious circle. When will they learn?

Hey, isn't that midget comedian Kevin Hart being attacked by a butterfly over there? Yeah, it is - the butterfly must be like a dragon to that microscopic manlet boy!

by ManletDepreciator July 28, 2024

kevin hart

kevin hart is a celeberty and he is short as FRICK

"i met kevin hart today!"

by the uneducated fart November 1, 2022

Kevin Hart

A very very very tall dude

“I’m as tall as Kevin Hart”
“Oh, I didn’t know you were 63’9”

by TheEndDragon July 4, 2022

Kyra Hart

its me! :)

Person 1: Who is that, shes so pretty.
Person 2: Thats Kyra Hart, shes great!

by Daddiekyra December 14, 2022

henry hart

the most hottest, cutest funniest kindest boy youd ever meet actor played by( Jace Norman( segzyy aff and knows how to make someone smile.💖💖

My friend: OMG LOOK WHO IT IS!!!

by JLN✨ December 12, 2024