two old men that are best friends....they go together like peas in a pod and sometimes life partners
hector and herb are soooooo cute together
A Phenomenon that happens when people talk to someone and they feel the urge to say more and are generally comfortable around the person .
Talking to you is easy, it's like the Hector effect
A tall young man who can dunk without breaking a sweat.
Wow hector trinidaddy has a fat horse cock
Hectored: To make plans only to show up late and leave early
Ex: Man I totally hectored my friends party even thou I was supposed to be there early to set up.
Both meant to fall in love.At first Sarai uses hector but then ends up falling in love with him. Sarai leaves hector plenty of times but comes back every once and while because god needs them to be together. In truth Hector loves Sarai more than his family and would sacrifice anything to be with her.
Sarai and Hector are the best at being parents.