Source Code

Death Star II

Within three years of the Death Star's demise, the Galactic Empire again proved its evil nature with the construction of a second Death Star in a remote region of space. Fortunately for the galaxy, the Empire never completed this monstrosity. Word of its construction was spread through the Rebel ranks by Bothan spies. The Alliance was able to pinpoint the exact location of Death Star's construction, and mount a pre-emptive strike to destroy the station.

The leaked information was all a ruse. The scheming Emperor Palpatine engineered the Rebellion's discovery of the Death Star in the hopes of trapping the growing Rebel fleet. The second Death Star would not be as vulnerable as the Rebels believed.

To ensure that the Death Star would destroy the lured Alliance fleet, Palpatine entrusted the supervision of its final phase of construction to his Sith apprentice, Lord Darth Vader. Vader motivated the Death Star's commander, Moff Jerjerrod, to see that the battle station was operational when the Emperor arrived for his inspection tour.

The second Death Star was not a complete sphere. Though much of the battle station's recognizable shape was visible, there were huge sections of exposed superstructure and visible skeleton. To protect the half-completed and immobile station during its construction, the Empire projected an immense deflector shield from the nearby forest moon of Endor. The shield was strong enough to protect any breach from both capital and starfighter-class ships.

The Alliance sent a commando team to land on the moon and deactivate the shield generator while the Rebel fleet emerged from hyperspace to destroy the station. Unlike the previous Death Star, whose reactor core was accessible only from a two-meter wide exhaust port, the second Death Star's heart had to be destroyed by actually flying into the superstructure and detonating the collosal power plant.

The commando team was waylaid by Imperials and the Rebel fleet arrived to find the deflector shield intact. Worse yet, the superlaser was operational, and began destroying Rebel Mon Calamari cruisers with each blast. General Lando Calrissian came up with a daring and foolhardy tactic to engage the Imperial fleet at point-blank range, thus limiting the Death Star's available targets.

Aided by the native Ewoks of Endor, the Rebels were able to infiltrate and destroy the shield generator complex. With the shield down, General Calrissian led the Alliance starfighters into the inner recesses of the Death Star. There, he and Wedge Antilles loosed a volley of ordnance that began an immense fireball that tore apart the station.

Emperor Palpatine's body was consumed in the explosion. The Imperial fleet never recovered from the fiasco. What was to be the Rebel Alliance's demise instead turned into, the death of the Empire. As firey fragments of the battle station burned away in Endor's atmosphere, the celebratory cheers of freedom rang throughout the forests, and indeed, the entire galaxy.

Related: Death Star Galactic Empire Endor

by not a starwars geek December 5, 2004

63πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Menace II Society

great fuckin movie. Larenz Tate should have definitely won an Oscar for his crazy role as O'Dog in this urban gangster flick. 1 of the best and easily 1 of the most underrated movies ever made.

Menace II Society owns..got it on DVD!!

by go_wings May 31, 2006

181πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

Queen Elizabeth II


Queen Elizabeth II is a vampire!

by QueenElizabethThe2ndFan September 20, 2020

39πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


The consequence of using failed logic, unfounded hunches and unsubstantiated conclusions to determine when it would be 'safe' for a pandemic-stricken nation to resume customary operations.

So, let's see...
Ignore the warnings of the scientific community: check.
Disregard evidence from the experience of other countries: check
Claim victory over the disease prematurely despite evidence to the contrary: check
Down-play the very real possibility of disease resurgence based on modelling analysis: check
Distort the facts in evidence in deference to political rather than ethical motives: check
Berate, disparage and demonize any dissenting opinion, opposition or critical analysis: check

by YAWA April 16, 2020

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

John Paul II

A good pope. I am a sympothizer with Marxist principals, but I admire him a lot. He fought corruption, capitalism, and Iraq. He was a good Pope, and even though I disagree with him on gay marriage, he at least was for treating gays like Human beings. And he was against Aparteid.

We need more Pope John Paul IIs!

by Catholiccommunist April 9, 2006

159πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

Hawaii part ii

A album by Miracle Musical and sung by Joe Hawley. Interestingly the album has a overarching story of a sailor who loves a women then that women dies he get’s blamed for the murder, Pleaded that he was insane so he gets electric shock therapy which kills him or something like that.

β€œHey man have you listened to Hawaii Part ii”


by Tangus June 4, 2021

23πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Cold War II

The renewed tensions between the United States and Russia, leading to a rapid diplomatic and military escalation between the two countries.

Some people claim it started in 1999 when NATO expanded to include former Soviet allies. Others pin the start date as August 8th, 2008, when Russian forces pushed the US allied Georgian forces out of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Quote by Russian President Medvedev, August 26th 2008:
"We are not afraid of anything, including the prospect of a new Cold War" (Cold War II)

by skillsandwisdom September 8, 2008

22πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž