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Lie: israel (n.) negative context.

@Thatlawyermom said: if you repeat lie enough times, it becomes israel.

by Free Palestine From israel February 18, 2024

44πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž


Sacred land of Jewish people and rightfully belonging to Jews, which is also a Holy land for Christians.

Also a very beautiful country.

Israel is true home of Jewish people.

Every Jew is connected to Israel through his or her ancestry.

by Givemesomecheese November 24, 2023

60πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


When someone is very generous toward you. Send their best people to help you when your country goes through natural disasters. Open their hospitals to you when you are sick, even if you are their enemy. Operate your brain tummor and cure you even though you are a terrorist .

He helped you find the way even though you beat him? You've been Israelized.

by UnitedWeStandISrael January 25, 2024

88πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

Israelism (Zionism)

Complete degeneration of humanity, as murdering newborn and immature babies is fun to a group of people.

The American army is believed to have exerted Israelism (Zionism) on the Vietnamese.

by Med1693 December 12, 2023

42πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

Israel Supporters

People who laugh when someone says Americans should give back the land they stole to Native Americans, but scream and shout β€œISRAEL WAS HERE 2000 YEARS AGO!” when someone says Israeli settlers have no rightful claim to Palestinian lands.

Israel supporters clog the halls of Congress and the media

by Frederick Yeo November 14, 2023

17πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


An infection in which a cabal of miniature, gummy bear sized Jews lay eggs in your ears, and speak hypersonic yiddish causing mental impairment. They may burrow to expand their synagogue. When the Jewlet eggs hatch, the host experiences an immediate urge to circumcise themselves with the nearest sharp object.
This infection is commonly contracted from nests in pool tables and dart boards.

1) P1: Fuck man, I keep missing my pool shots this table must be broken.
P2: Nah man u just got Israelitis.

by Dr. Not A. Nazi May 20, 2024

42πŸ‘ 348πŸ‘Ž

Palestine & Israel

2 Countries that have been going to war Since 1948

When will Palestine & Israel stop

by NorthBoy99 November 26, 2023

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž