Source Code


Rating system used by Cybershell13 in his Youtube videos that tells you how hard/annoying enemies and bosses are in Sonic the Hedgehog video games

Asteron got a whopping 42 on the Cunt-O-Meter, which makes him the King of Cunts

by rtv0587 July 7, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


The device that measures the level of kinkiness in a given situation.

JT's comment about the vibrator raised the level on the kink-o-meter beyond the limits of safety.

by Infinity.Syc0 December 30, 2005

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A half-imaginary instrument formed by bending both arms inward at the elbow and placing the right over the left, then using the right arm as a meter needle (much like on a speedometer) to measure the level of "mackage" that one person (usually a guy) is doing towards another (usually a girl, hopefully).

Once the mack-o-meter reaches an approximately 20-25 degrees angle, the mack can be "called" as so desired; anything before it is in direct violation of Man Law.

This noun can be pronounced "Mack-O-Meter" (mak-oh-mete-er) or "mackometer" (mak-om-ett-er); usuage is contextual.

Big Country: *quickly assembled Mack-O-Meter at full meter with arms* Uh oh, Padilla, MACKING!

Padilla: Shut up!

Todd: Oh no no no, that mack was fairly called in accordance with the Man Laws.

Padilla: Fine...

by Padilla November 28, 2006

19๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A measurement of one's utilized level of sass. A scale of 1-10 is usually employed, although numbers outside of the scale can be used for emphasis

Homie 1: Well your sister is pretty fat, too!
Homie 2: Level 10 on the sass-o-meter!

Homegirl 1: Get in the car!
Homegirl 2: Tone down the sass doe! You're off the charts on the sass-o-meter!

by okayyyycb3 March 17, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

one meter hurdle

The name of one of the most honorable of bathroom sports. In order to play, one needs a toilet, a short stall, and a full bladder. The object of the game is to shoot your stream over the hurdle and into the stall. This game is the ultimate test of manliness

George and Jimmy just finished a round of the one meter hurdle. There were no winners

by ishigatori November 26, 2004

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Give a Fuck Meter

This term is usually used when one does not care about anything... usually very angry and upset. Maybe just an ass hole but give the people who use this word a break because they may just be having a hard time in life.

wanna know where your problem runs on my give a fuck meter... it doesn't

by I do give a fuck! June 23, 2011

17๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

The 1 meter problem

When your dick is 1 meter long , and have to put it down your pants, making it hard to hide and making walking with it uncomfortable.

guy 1: why is Joe always walking so strange?
guy 2: Joe has The 1 meter problem.
guy 1: geez, i guess size does not always matter...

by calasin June 5, 2017