Playing basketball and making a highly contested shot, one would typically brag about making it “in his mit”. Alternatively, someone might use mit to describe someone as ugly. “Her body fire but her mit not there”
Mit, meaning face, personal space,
Sanaa: “fuck out my mit bitch fo I slap the bullshit outta you hoe”
Sanaa: “yo breath stink you need to back up out ma mit”
-An individual who is particulary silly and/or friendly in nature
-A very cool individual that I met online
god dammit Mit I'm not that silly you are
you're such a Mit
1) Someone not to be trifled with.
2) Brass Knuckles.
1) "Yea I agree shawtyis fine, but she belongs to brick mits over there."
2) "When the fight was broken up, the stupid squantch-nugget got arrested because he had his brick mits with him."
Newie lady saying for taking a piss " gotta go ring da mit"
" gotta go ring da mit"
Large Hands with large fingers, that reseamble a baseball glove.
You have huge hands, they are like meat mits.